Capitalism is the relation of sell and buy of labor. During the work process, it’s the workforce that creates new value. The lowest share of this new value goes to the worker´s wage and most of rest is surplus value for the capitalist class. Maintaining the continuity of the profitability of capital requires the imposition of low wages and the minimum livelihood and the suppression of workers´protests. In capitalism of Iran and similar societies, part of the surplus value produced by the working class goes to stronger global capitals through economic exchanges. Domestic capital to compensate for lost surplus value and success in competition it proceeds to reduce the level of wages as much as possible, imposing unsanitary conditions, educational deprivations, the spread of homelessness and increasing deprivations on workers ´lives, brutal exploitation of child labor and violent suppression of the labor movement and stifle any protest voice against this situation. The cause of the catastrophic life of the workers and the brutal repression of the governments in these societies, not because of ideology and medieval beliefs, degree of skill and associate and level of corruption of the rulers, rather it arises from the nature of capital and it doesn’t matter who’s at the helm of the capitalist government. The syndicate recognizes the existence of capitalism and it considers the demand of destroying capitalism to be extremist. Syndicate while respecting the profit of capital it calls for improved livelihood and increased workers´social rights including the right to strike. The prescription of syndicalism in Iran, except paying economic and social costs and further reducing profits, it has no place for the capitalist class and its government and with as much violence as possible rejecting syndicalists. In the powerful capitalist countries also the syndicalism after being able to brainwash and intellectual repression of workers, and derail the workers from the class struggle for destruction of capitalism, but these institutions (syndicates) have long been redundant and annoying for capital. Capitalism in Iran doesn’t tolerate the existence of syndicates, and that the syndicate makers in Iran proudly call suppression of themselves by regime as a fact of independence from government, it can not cover disgrace their accompany with capital and opposition to any activity against the inhuman existence of capitalism. The syndicates where by their nature being able to divert the workers´struggle from their opposition to capitalism، will become the executive agents of the capitalists in the labor movement. Now in the struggles of oil contractual workers, some of syndicalists have even appeared in the role of security and intelligence forces too. The monarchy regime of capital also authorized the formation of a number of tamed syndicates when the workers´struggle was at its height. Syndicalists to justify their existence claim that the workers are not aware and need top-level organizations and leaders who are aware of the provisions of the bourgeois constitution and labor law that master the techniques of negotiation and bargaining with the employer and the government !! but conservative workers do the same when protesting, without any syndicalist training as the syndicalists say, that is, they resort to the ministry of labor, parliament and the laws of capital. These conservative workers are appeasing the capitalists without the need for syndicalists. That’s the reason for the syndicalists´ being sluggish and their recession. In capitalism, the worker is deprived of any interference in determining the fate of his work, production and life, and parties and syndicates are also formed and organized exactly on the basis of fact that the workers are useless in determining their own destiny. The organizing that is directly against this reluctance and derives its power from the Rolle and involvement of individual workers is the council. The councils, during the struggle being formed without any need for a constitution, commander or leader. The working class, where it struggles for higher wages and increased welfare, healthier environment, elimination of ethnic, belief and gender discrimination and gain freedom, it should stop the producing of profit , with strikes and demonstrations and the abolish of compulsory hijab, put on the agenda the occupation of labor centers and production, in a word, disrupting the social order of capital. The spontaneous and inherent anti-capitalism of us, the workers that it gets more mature and deeper. To advance the struggle against capital we must reach out to other fellow workers in factories, schools and hospitals and all other work centers. Ask our other fellow workers around the country to join the nationwide movement of our anti-capitalist councils. Workers who endure hardship and dangers, dismissals and imprisonment and their activities are wasted in the way of syndicates and parties can be the activists of this nationwide anti-capitalist movement.
” The anti-capitalist workers of Iran ”
Dec. 15th 2021