Millions of Ukrainian workkers are burning in battle flames. Gods of war, the war creators are the entire capitalist predator regimes. The USA, the European Union and each governments of this continent, NATO and all governments of this global capital pole are involved equally that´s Putin´s rabid government, China and other countries are involved. War on the basis of its octopus-like roar is, the war between the beasts of capital over the redistribution of the result of the work and the exploitation of the working masses of the world, the war of the ugly capitalist hyenas and the capitalist rulers to increase its share of capital sovereignty and ownership of the capital and profits the working masses create. Putin´s predatory government has ignited the initial fire, there´s no doubt about that but the governments of the United States, Britain, Germany and France and their allies also from the first minutes of the end of the Second Imperialist War until today they´ve been planning, policy-making and doing things without interruption which has had the greatest contribution in the occurrence of this great human catastrophe. During these few days, these governments have used all their power and ability to ignite the fire of war as much as possible and as long as possible. The ugly image of this cruel confrontation is something that terrifies every human being. In the meantime, what is most catastrophic and terrifying is the situation of the international working class and the world labor movement. The workers of the world have been humiliated in the most humiliating way possible and in the most deplorable condition, without any will, subdued and surrendered to the orders of capital. In Russia, they´re ruled by Putin and the predatory regime, and set out on the battlefield against their miserable Ukrainian brothers and sisters, and to tear and exsanguine their comrades and demolition of residential houses, schools and hospitals and cut down of drinking-water and electricity or any of their basic necessities of life, they parade in military columns. They´re killing the kids of Ukrainian working brothers and sisters, and the displaced Ukrainian women are targeted. The same thing is being done by the mass of Ukrainian workers across the border, and according to the Pentagon map, NATO and European governments, by order of Zelensky and his nazist stooges, and they point the barrel of their guns at the chests of the Russian workers, and they shout the slogan of war until disappearance of their Russian working brothers and sisters !! To kill each other in the furnaces of the war of capitalists they overtake each other, and under the bayonet of thoughts engineering by capital, and the killing of their working brothers and sisters is seen as guarding the national borders and defence of the ancestral homeland !! The story isn´t limited to this, all European workers, the working masses of five continents of the world are following and performing the same prescripted scenario of the poles of capital. Whatever is seen in this black field of destruction and the line-up of workers in the stronghold of the capitalist governments´ criminal war against their own social class. The Russian working class, the brutal military attack of the Putin government and the devastation of the lives of the workers of the Ukrainian be seen as the threshold of better livelihood for themselves and their own welfare and bright future. !! The European workers are also deceived, brainwashing and suppose the most brutal campaign of incitement to war of the continental governments as “Liberalism”, “Defending Human Rights”, “Human Immigration” and “Humanitarian Aid”.!!!
No German, French, Spanish and Scandinavian etc. workers don´t ask themselves for a moment that when this ruling beast of capitalism plowed the whole of Libya with dust and blood of the working masses , any Libyan workers escaped from that hell were not allowed to enter Europe as refugee !! Meanwhile, the bodies of kids, women and men who had escaped from that burning hell were being collected in depths of the Mediterranean. They committed the crime with Afghan refugees and other refugees from the Middle East, the Middle East wars that were ordered and organized by the governments of capital and the global capitalist poles, but today, across the continent of Europe, the capitalist states have opened their hugs for immigration under the name of humanity !!! The burial of hundreds of millions of European workers in the graveyard of deception, distortion and thoughts engineering by governments is a great tragedy today. This situation must be ended , we workers are definitely ready to share our last piece of bread with the fugitive Ukrainian workers, and we will keep the doors of our humble homes open to them. But we must do this with a class consciousness, with an independent anti-capitalist approach. Let´s make the anti-human war of the capitalist poles into a war-class against capital and the capitalist states.
Announce everywhere that :
1. Our allies workers in Russia, should immediately lay down their guns and avoid any involvement in the current criminal war.
2. The same must be done by the working masses of Ukraine, everywhere in all cities of Ukraine.
3. Wherever we are, we will do our best to support the fugitive, whether Russian or Ukrainian.
4. Condemnation of sending weapons and ammunition to hostile governments by any capitalist states and blockade.
5. Obstacle every penny or cent of financial aid to the warring regimes by other capitalist states.
6. To achieve these goals, we must apply our class-power all around the world and stop the wheel of capital and profit producing and disrupt the economic, political and social order of capitalism.
8. To plan and carry out all these in the name of workers, with an independent class-struggle, under the banner of the united anti-capitalist power of the working class.
“ The anti-capitalist workers of Iran ”
March 2022