“No social system will collapse before all the productive forces it needs have grown and a new superior production relation , never before the materialist conditions of its existence withing the framework of ancient society have reached maturity , will not replace the old production relation . In this way , human beings definitely set tasks for themselves that they’ll be able to solve , because a closer look always shows that the question itself arises only when the material conditions for its solution have already been provided or at least are about to take shape …” (K. Marx)
It’s very unlikely to find among those who are similar with Marx’s words , whether for or against , who repeatedly read and heard , criticized or defended and may not have cited in their writings the above phrase . It´s difficult to find such people but finding people who have researched enough that the real theme of these words, as intended by Marx and worthy of Marx’s material understanding of history and the class struggle , isn’t also easy . First , we do start by examining a few questions .
1. The productive forces mentioned by Marx in modern times ,which their growth is a necessary condition for the collapse of capitalism and the establishment of socialism , what are the factors and forces ?
2. What component or components do we know as the real criterion of recognizing of this growth ?
3. How does it come about and how the growth of these forces
and the degree of their required maturity be achieved under the domination of capitalist relations ?
4. How and by what mechanisms these forces in the conditions of domination of the wage slavery system take the opportunity to replace these relations ?
5. In the present world , what´s missing from the growth of the productive forces and the rate of adequacy of this growth to dismantle capitalist relations and establishing socialism .
6. If we ignore the distant past and just pay attention to the working class´ cross-sectional attempts in Europe in the mid-nineteenth century to the present day , again , for more than a century and a half , we´ve witnessed the struggle of the working masses of the world against capitalism . The world working class has this huge and long record of struggle behind itself , and capitalism today has crossed the highest levels of development . The economic crisis of this system is becoming more severe than ever , and their momentum has been uninterrupted . After all , it´s just not visible any sign of the collapse of capitalism and the rise of the facies of socialism but the international working class in terms of radical class formation against the system of wage slavery is more depressed , desperate and confused than ever . What we see and how we explain the relation of this situation with all the mentioned components to the content of the speech quoted from Marx .
The list of questions above can be further refined . It can name many historical events that took place during the twentieth century and before and after that , For example , it´s possible and necessary that we reread the case of the October
Revolution and many other events of the last hundred years with reference to the same important words of Marx and related to each and bring up many questions . All of these questions not only are the most significant but in my opinion , the real key to unlocking the impasse facing the world working class is here and at the bottom of answering these questions . The social productive forces have a clear definition , a combination of the human factor of the process of work and production , along with the tools and equipment used in this process . The relations between these two sectors in different production methods, and even differ in distinct forms and states of a particular method of production . Slave and servitude are the product of inorganic conditions of the work process, and they´re not in any kind of property relations with the objective conditions of their work . For their slave or landowners , they enjoy the same status as herds of cattle or farmland . This ruling , however , doesn´t apply to peasants and craftsmen . They establish a kind of relationship with their land and means of work and the inorganic conditions of production , a relation that determine the legal form of ownership . This relation has a fundamentally different theme when it comes to workers . The worker isn´t owned by capitalist . The worker isn´t even a condition of production , but only the possessor of labor and the capital owner may be able and to some level can replace the worker with a machine . The worker has nothing to do with ownership or interference with the conditions of production and work . Basically , the worker´s appearance depends on the dissolution of all relations which involved some kind of ownership relation or possession between the working human being in the production process with inorganic working conditions . There´s no need to discuss this further . The purpose is simply to clarify what is being said about the growth of productive forces , the degree of sufficiency of this growth for the occurrence of a social revolution and the conditions for the victory of this revolution , first , we´re faced with a complex combination of all these forces . Secondly , the role of the manpower that reproduces the whole working conditions is of special vital importance . Third that , the process of development , maturation and evolution of all these and in particular , the recent human factor in various historical periods and in relation to different methods of social production has complexities and moments that any kind of neglect of them causes the most misguidance .The twentieth century communists in different ideological categories , from Leninists to Maoists and European Marxists , Trotsky´s companions or other circles in this spectrum have in the worst way distorted the basis of the Marxian narrative of the material evolution of history , especially where the process of development of the social productive forces of capitalist society that is related to the conditions for the proletariat to pass through these relations . A kind of distortion that firstly dredging of that is the vital need of the anti – capitalist movement and the anti – wage labour revolution of the working class and secondly , to be properly dredged it must be autopsied with all necessary precision . The common tradition of the mentioned circles of spectrum is to study the growth of the productive forces within the present society go directly to the degree of industrial development and expanding the application of info-technology and how to use the achievements of the IT-revolutions , the rate of growth of social productivity of work and gross domestic production and the per capita share of human beings in the annual social product , number of universities and colleges and the large number of graduates , the number of hospitals and the ratio of staff or facilities of medical centers to the total population , extend of organized research activities and dimensions of its impact in different economic and social realms , the level of development of political and civil , cultural and legal ultrastructures and like these on the one hand and existence , growth and degree of organization and scope of influence and mobilization power of so-called “communist or workers´ parties” on the other hand . Issues and phenomena , institutions and developments that are sometimes definitely very determinative and they´re undeniably important in describing the social productive forces of any country or any part of the world . The basic point here is that firstly , none , or all of these factors , in spite of all the special and extraordinary importance they have ,in providing the necessary conditions for the dissolution of wage-labour relations and the emergence of the revolutionary class goes beyond this system , even with its explosive development that show us no sign of any probability , not even to begin the real dynamic of the collapse of the ruling relations and the rise of the facies of the formation of an alternative system . Secondly , some of them , for example , conventional party-building , not only don´t aid in the process of providing the mentioned conditions in question but they are only the cause of its metabolism . These mentioned components don´t say a word about whether the live and present society is ready with the social revolution or not , and referring to them doesn´define anything in this particular field . Capitalism has long since advanced to the last possible strongholds of its development . Although the only goal of man in this system is only production and the goal of production is only profit , again the product of labour and annual production of the world at the present time to achieve a prosperous and modern life for the entire population of the planet with all the living , welfare and social facilities , it suffices in all spheres of human life . Think for a moment that since the advent of the internet in its present form , not even 20 years pass but according to statistics , the number of internet users in the world has long exceeded 5 billion . Less than 40 years ago , when the American Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone which weighing approximately 2 kg and being able to prepare it was a dream for most of the world’s inhabitants . This phone was bought and sold at a price of about 5,000 dollars until a few years later . Cooper´s two-kilogram invention that day just was doing , at best , a very simple telephone conversation . During this time , the technology of this mobile phone has undergone some amazing changes and developed time after time , no need to explain . The important point is that the number of mobile devices in the world has exceeded 5 billion and 300 thousand and the number of people using this technical device has exceeded 5 billion people or 71% of the total population of the planet . During every year only 80 million cars are produced in the world and if we multiply this number by the average life of this vehicle, so we will reach a very significant figure for the per capita car , even personal cars . This figure is 830 units per thousand people in the United States , 200 per 1000 people in Iran and about 840 per 1000 people in Monaco . The above figures are for industrial products and advanced technological facilities that sometimes , until a few decades ago , the idea of discovering them may not have occurred to the vast majority of humans and the life of the oldest invention revolves around 100 years . We emphasize again that the basis of the existence of capital and the whole orientation of this method of production is the sacrifice of human in the court of profit . Yet even what is produced each year as the necessities of human life is enough to alleviate all hunger and unsanitary conditions , drug shortages , displacement and homelessness , lack of education and other pervasive deprivations affecting humanity today . According to the FAO , the production of wheat and other grains in the year exceeded 2 billion and 5 hundred million tons and this is in a situation where capitalist states , especially the EU member states , North America and elsewhere , a hundred of billions of dollars a year are added to the exploitation of the working masses for free to benefit the land-owning capitalists of these countries so that they can avoid to produce more food and clothing . The social product of the annual labour of the international working class , or what the bourgeoisie calls the world´s gross domestic product (GDP) in just 30 years , it has increased more than six and half times between 1979 and 2010 and increased from about 11 trillion to 71 trillion dollar . The figure per capita in the current world conditions amounts to about 10 thousand and 145 dollars per year , something that , if it´s calculated for a family of four , would be reaching 40, 500 dollars . To date , Sweden has been sitting on the roof of the existing world in terms of living standard , social welfare and care for the elderly and disabled , and socially vulnerable groups . The average annual cost of living and social facilities of a family of four in this leading society of the capitalist world is no more than the figure mentioned above . This means that the social product of the labour of the international working class is capable in this living and present situation that to transform the total life of 7 billion inhabitants of the world and raise it to the living standard of the 9 million population of Swedish society nowadays . These are just examples and are presented only to illustrate the degree of development of capitalism , the growth of social labour productivity and the volume of labour and annual production of the working masses in this system . The central point of the conversation is that this degree of massive level and amazing of production development , this astonishing growth of industry and technique productivity and the productive forces and the productivity of the social product of labour , as soon as it comes to determining or recognizing the material conditions corresponding to the decline of the capitalism and the socialist progress from this system , therefore , all of them are considered dumb components and don´t have any kind of role in this field . Suppose this very astonishing level of economic development , not in a two-digit number that is impossible by million and billions, the result will definitely be the same again . From this side to the other side of the world can be filled with the technological and industrial products but even then , the facies of no inevitable radical change will appear anywhere on the horizon of capitalist existence .This is where that we considerably look at the real reason lies that must be fundamentally different from the concept of the evolution of social productive forces in capitalist society on one hand and previous communities or pre-capitalist relations on the other hand . An important issue that plays a decisive role in the present discussion and in relation to the conditions of the socialist revolution . The growth of the new forces of production in medieval economic formulations , regardless of whether these formulations were the system of servitude in West or Asian and Eastern feudalism , in any case , it manifested itself in the form of a well-defined method of production and in the form of a socio-economic structure that was in all respects specific and distinct from previous relations . This method of production and this new society was the relations of purchase & sale of labour , the capitalist society . There we witnessed openly and realistically the fertilization , flourishing and expansion of this new method of production , this new social order and the dynamic conflict between the development of this new socio-economic form and the old relations . In parallel with the development of the sell & purchase relation , the medieval guild workshops gradually or hastily revoked their historic existence licenses and the owners of these workshops lost ownership of their work tools . The masses of smallholder or landless peasants , the peasants working in the feudal estates also began the process of breaking away from the land and left it behind . Every day more and more people from the land-based forces or small owners of work tools joined the formation of the ousted, and they were on their way to the sell market of labour force . The pole of capital was constantly growing , large factories and workshops were established and each of them were starting to exploit a significant number of the ousted and deprived of work tools masses as workers . Large commercial enterprises and banks were emerged , the foundations of cartels , trusts and giant industrial entities began to get coagulated and grown . The domestic markets of the countries were in the process of integration and were accelerating the formation of the global market . Land , work tools and means of production became converted to capital more and more ubiquitous , global and international . Human inventions and discoveries were growing unprecedented and gigantically and at the same time , the necessary mechanisms for the production of more massive capital and more astronomical profits were being done . The relations of labour and capital became a powerful platform for the formation and growth of a new social structure . Capital ,to increase the social productivity of labour force and greater profits , it followed the path of uninterrupted successive industrial and technical revolutions, and it was aimed at developing schools , universities and research centers . Capitalism was in conflict with the serf and feudal system in all its various aspects of existence . The new system , as it matured , needed conditions that were to be realized with the decline of pre-existing relations . The social class that represented the recent mode of production in response to the necessary needs of this form of production in various realms of social life began to express itself and present in the field and also demanded a change in the ruling laws and clashed with the dominant religion of the day and the power of the church lords . It also raised the banner of nationality and national interests and introduced itself as “the representative of the interests of the whole society” !!, and at the same time and in the meantime suppressed the labor movement and used all the levers of power of the ruling regime to carry out this repression . In a single sentence , we’re witnessing the growth , prosperity and expansion of a mode of production , a certain economic formulation with all its political , cultural and civil , legal and social , moral and ideological ultrastructures at the heart of former relations . The bourgeoisie wasn´t empty-handed here and in those days when the bourgeoisie was in a low position , rode forward with a huge material force rising and having a future and rode relying on the powerful wings of capital and its expansion . It was taking its thoughts and ideologies from the existential nature of capital and questioned and formulated its policy on the relation of surplus-value production . It was inferring its moral , character and behavior from the process of production and the capitalist market and explored all dimensions of times and places with a capitalist perspective . It studied the law and legislation in the school of capital and made the requirements of the value-added of capital into mechanisms of law and legislation and made this law and legislation as the flag of its war with the feudal ancestors and the workers in present and future , as capital expanded so did its social power too . As the accumulation of capitalism expanded , its thoughts and ideologies became more dominant . The bourgeoisie even in the days when it still bore the name of the “middle class” and was absent from the structure of political power , it still was a very important and decisive power in all realms , because capital played a huge and decisive role of power within society and all these realms . The capitalist class in its social existence is the objective embodiment of capital , capital that is thinking and describing the version of politics , it deals with economic political and life planning and traces the pattern of civilization . Capital transmutes its more profitable materials into the content of thoughts , culture , consciousness and order , ethics and social values and did everything else . This argument can be continued throughout the history of capitalist development and the growth of the bourgeoisie , but that seems to be enough at the same level . The basis of the word is the origin of existence , interference and the exercise of the power of the bourgeoisie , that from the day of its (the bourgeoisie) emergence , capital has been a method of production and a social relation . A certain mode of production relations , system and a social relation that did exist , not only in lively present which its existence determined a very fundamental axis of the interactions taking place in the society . Socialism isn´t like that at all . The proletariat lacks such a position at the heart of the wage-slavery system and at the bottom of this huge historical difference that the process of material evolution of history and the dynamics of the social revolution of this era , not just in its great human manifesto that in the whole mechanism of realization of this manifesto , it has an inherently new and fundamentally different effect from all former periods . In the capitalist system by no means that at no level and under no circumstances the economy isn´t socialist that growing . The development , growth and maturation of the productive social forces under the domination of the wage-slavery system , in any case and independent of any path it takes , not the growth and skeleton of socialism , but it´s just the growing stronger and more structural capitalism . It will certainly be said that the socialization of labour and production is a necessary and unavoidable condition of socialism, and this is what is achieved in the heart of the existing system . This is absolutely correct , but ironically it´s deeply true that it has become the basis of a world full of error and misguidance . The socialization of production as long as capitalism dominates , assuming that it goes to the explosive phase and the last possible step , still it´s just the golden , legendary and unbridled expansion of capitalism and at best , it only announces that if one day the destruction of this system takes place and if all the pre-conditions for the realization of socialism are materialized and if society witnesses the establishment of socialism , human beings will enjoy a certain degree of well-being and needlessness and unrestrained physical and mental leisure . Here , in contrast to what happened under the domination of feudalism no new economic and social relations are boasting and the proletariat as a revolutionary class and anti-thesis of capitalism is riding the wave of power of no method of developing production and towards authority , but on the contrary , it´s suppressed from all sides and becomes exhausted , and even in the process of its protest , struggle and class war against the dominant and ruling relations , as far as can be seen , it´s confronted with the paths of misguides which destroying any amount of its exercises of conscious power . Capitalism was expanding itself there and each step of its development opened a new field for the rise of bourgeois power, but here what it´s becoming widely expanding is not socialism but capitalism again . Still, what comes to power beyond this expansion is the bourgeoisie and conversely , what the proletariat gets , is only more brutal erosion and more destruction . There it was capital which without any obstacles growing up and as it grew stronger it made the hegemony of feudalism collapsed . The bourgeoisie , in the role of capitalized character expanded the boundaries of its power and in all spheres of social life from economy to politic and culture, law and legislation and civilization occupied the place of the feudal aristocracy and the previous rulers . In here , there’s no motion of the rise of the socialist economy and the proletariat rides on the chariot of power of no post-capitalist material relations , and what is real is the reverse procedure . With each passing minute , the wage slavery becomes more and more octopus-like and with much more octopus-like mechanisms it blocks any path of social expression of the working class . There , capital grew and flourished the market of wage labour and at the same time it was breaking down the warp and woof of petty production , patriarchal economy and producers´ relation with land or work tools and the shared properties of the Eastern type of feudalism . Here the proletariat grows, but only to grow and become larger and more populous, and even with many of the conventional forms of unification and organization don´t scratch the capitalist economy anywhere at all . There , any amount of growth of capital was the growth of the structure of the capitalist political order . Here , on the contrary , any degree of economic prosperity is the basis for the further separation of the proletariat from work , production and the fate of its social life . There , the development of capital accumulation is the platform of the bourgeois’s indictment against the political , legal and social structure of pre-modern times and became the weapon in its hands to formulate and interpret , and establish laws , policies and civilizations and rights of its own nature . Here , there´s no mention of the accumulation of socialism and the emergence of the political , legal and civil structures of socialism on the basis of such material and economic transformation . There , capital grew widely and gave birth to the culture of capitalism , and made the thoughts , beliefs and ideologies of the capitalist class into the basis of thoughts , minds and beliefs of everyone’s, and also it made art and literature of the bourgeoisie prospered , it expanded and strengthened the morals and traditions of this social class and made a combination of all these into the dominated thoughts and beliefs of society . Here everything is reversed , the process of collapsing of the relation of sale & purchase of labour force doesn´t materialize and this collapse doesn´t appear in the form of a material and tangible social event . This incident doesn´t happen and it´s not in this way that the process of growth of socialist ideals and thoughts , politics and ethics , civilization and culture follows the path of development and maturity , authority and firmness . There , capital was growing and in its cycle of growth induced everything upside down in the minds and thoughts of the working masses and was making all this subversion a tool of power and weapon of its rule . Here , no such new relation is born and it doesn´t have the task of developing of consciousness and cognition , planning and finding anti-capitalist solutions . Most important and crucial of all these are the unification of the bourgeoisie there , in whatever size or form, was a very stronghold for its war against old relations . Here , all the common forms of workers´ organization , from party-building policy to giant trade unions, are the means of burying the power of the working class in the graveyard of capitalist order and the marsh of swallowing this power in favor of the bourgeoisie . There , it was the capitalist class which was building its power in response to the urgent and future needs of capital . Here , there are the different strata and approaches of the bourgeoisie that prescribe the way of organizing workers, with the aim of dividing the labor movement into conditions for the survival of the wage slavery system . In short saying , through the path of the proletariat’s war for overthrow of capitalism and the advance towards socialism with what existed in the case of the bourgeoisie for the struggle with the various formulations of Eastern or Western feudalism there’s no consonance in any field . These two paths are equally contradictory and alien in nature in all aspects and mechanisms which the basis of the capitalist production and socialism are contradictory and alien . Many people may find themselves empty-handed when they hear these words, and they think that socialism is really nothing more than an ideal !! An ideal that lacks the solid material foundations in the existing society, which is probably why it has remained as a handful of dreams and fantasies of this day !! And nowhere has come true !!. Those who are likely to find themselves empty-handed upon hearing these words , it would be great to have such a situation . They are the ones who know the giant development of capitalism , building a handful of syndicates or unions and some reactionary parties such a thirsty population for political power , and desperate attachment of the working masses to this partisanship and syndicalist and capitalist institutions that is the whole mechanism of material requirements , political and intellectual and social necessities of the realization of socialism . The same narrative of Lenin´s populist communism of the socialist revolution, which has ruined the entire history of the twentieth century over the international labor movement and has brought the world´s working class to a day that we´ve been witnessing for a long time . Let´s get to the heart of the matter .The working masses of the world sooner or later have no choice but to believe with insight and consciousness of communist that the passage of capitalism and progress towards Marxian socialism and abolishing wage labour isn´t possible at all without a radical , conscious and complete sweep of all the communist facade parties , syndicates and trade unions . Let us back to the real content of Marx´s words and the basis of a radical materialist conception of history about era of social revolutions and also the conditions for revolutions . From this perspective explore the necessary pre-conditions for a workers´ revolution and establishment of communism , the abolition of wage labour and finally , from this exploration we discover the true mystery of the failures of the international working class so far . Marx´s point was that “ the new superior relations of production will never replace the old relations of production before the material conditions of its existence within the framework of the old society has reached maturation ” and the fundamental question is what must boast and mature within capitalism to prove the readiness of all conditions for the true nascence of socialist society .
We´ve seen above that here whatever grows and expands is still capitalism and the growth and ascent of capitalism , even if it precedes the occupation of all galaxies , is ultimately the development of wage slavery and the further consolidation of the power of capital . If in feudalism and serfdom it was wage-labour relation that grew and matured , if it was economics , industry and technology , politics and civilization , culture and law and order , and the capitalist state which became more and more matured and disintegrated the former economic or social formations , here , what is it or what material force , what economy and politics , thoughts and power that must be massive and rebellious in order to wrap up the scroll of capitalism’s existence ? This is the fundamental question facing the workers of the world . A question which answer is clear , although this clear answer wouldn´t be acceptable to the nature of any party or group of right-wing or leftist reformism . The material conditions for the establishment of socialism are just one thing and that is the nationwide conscious council movement of the abolition of wage-labour of the working masses which is the only comprehensive condition for the victory of the anti-capitalist revolution and establishment of a society from exploitation and classes , state and wage-labour . What that must grow and mature at the bottom of capitalist relations is the same movement with the same characteristics components and, of course , all of them . Not the existential truth of the working masses , not the unbridled plurality of the masses of this class , not the rapid growth of capitalist industry and technique , no level of galactic expansion of this system , not organizing all the workers of the world in unions or the world full of so-called communist facade parties , and not organic consensus and without any deduction and lack of all these aren´t the real existence of force or forces which their growth, maturity and perfection is the evidence of provision of the conditions for the collapse of capitalism and also the rise of socialism . But a nationwide conscious council movement to abolish the wage-labour of the working masses is precisely the real and material force . Why this is so and what supports this claim is a matter that needs to be explained and the explanation that I´ve addressed in other writings on various occasions . But as long as capitalism remains , and especially as long as (right and left-wing ) reformism dominates the labor movement, it needs to be developed and retold , completed and extended to the class struggle . The wage-labour abolition movement in its class existence is the living and growing basics of socialism, and any rate of its growth is a radical attack on the existence of capitalism . The working masses organized in this movement thinking with communist consciousness , it means without any party-leading , but , on the contrary , all the masses of workers contemplate anti-capitalist in their broad class social combination . They´re trained against wage-labour and will make the war against capital such their social practice , they will revolt against capital in all realms of life and don´t separate the demands of the day from the axis of class struggle against capital too . They analyze the root of all kind of rightslessness and oppression in depth of the relation of purchase & sale of labour force and to eliminate them , they will take the path of attacking the existence of the capitalist system . A homogeneous and organic movement that will fight for higher wages , better working conditions and shorter working hours , more efficient health care and education , more comfortable living and housing , deeper political freedoms and the complete elimination of all kinds of gender and ethnic discrimination , a comprehensive wider civil rights , a healthier environment and higher social welfare , and the guarantee of the higher physical and mental development of children , the preparation for the overthrow of the capitalist state , and any possible change and improvement of life along with the process of struggling for complete collapse of capitalism and replacement of this system with socialism . This movement has the living and growing dynamics of communism and in its dynamics it follows the destruction process of capitalism , and the proletariat , with this system , will do exactly what capitalism did with feudalism , but with this essential difference that the proletariat holds and carries the flag of true human beings’ liberation . It´s the cornerstones of society free from exploitation and class – oppression , classes and the capitalist state, and in each circle of its development circles it destroys parts of the wage slavery structure . This movement is anti-syndicalist and against any form of party-leading , and also it´s against any kind of legal struggle and doesn´t depend on any political and legal or civil mechanism of capitalism . The mainstay of this movement is merely based on an organized power of the working masses against wage – labour system . The anti – capitalist movement with the prospect of wage-labour abolition , in the struggle to rise wages , doesn´t be hanging on to any capitalist promises and contracts , rather , it relies on class power . It doesn´t adhere to the criterion of “satisfaction of the parties” about any amount of increase it demands , and its expectation isn´t tied to the satisfaction of the parts but to the power of the class struggle , it doesn´t ask better health , medicine and treatment and education from the bourgeoisie , rather struggles to impose the best of these demands on capitalists and their government by resorting to the force of class struggle of the day . The proletariat doesn´t see capitalist society as the scaffold of its life and will organize its struggle around the failure axis of this scaffold . The proletariat makes the Marxian anatomy of capitalism into a conscious mechanism of the paths of attacking the relation of producing surplus value and turn this consciousness and awareness into the material weapon of its class struggle to destroy this system . Always and at all stages , a very vivid and praxis image of the planning of the socialist council with the prospect of the abolition of wage-labour holds the objectivity of the day-specific capitalist society and declares this clear and obvious communist alternative as its class indictment against the bourgeoisie . With this class indictment addressing to humanity that what does capital do to our work and life , and what will we do if we win the class battle . In the face of every decision and plan and every action of the bourgeoisie , it will offer a communist alternative of its own class and will make this alternative as a stronghold of the class struggle of the day .This is the focus of the proletariat words everywhere and in all circumstances that the whole result of the work of the masses of its class will have to be spent on a more prosperous life , the more physical and intellectual excellence and more glorious needlessness of human beings . This movement will go hand in hand with socialism , with the living and current socialist planning of economic , political and social life, and its every step will be a strong indictment against the existence of capital . It´s the true manifestation of the war of communism with capitalism and will make the existing society such as the vast field of this class war . Talking about the coordinating of this movement immediately will make the right & left-wing reformist party-leaders and trade unionists to react angrily with commotion . The same ones that have historically acted accompanied , harmonized and homogenized with the bourgeoisie reactionary and have distorted and suppressed it . The gist of their comments is that “ the workers aren´t fundamentally able to prepare and organize a conscious council of anti-capitalist movement , they only fight for more wage , fewer working hours and more welfare and like these . That´s because they form syndicates and their protests aren´t against wage slavery , and to take an anti – capitalist orientation they must join , praise and obey the party . Some of them , along with the bourgeoisie , consider any talk about the council movement and also at the same time see the struggle against the wage-labour of working masses as anarchism , and call any radical Marxian critique of syndicalism and partisanship as an anarchist approach .!! We don´t reject a small part of the words of this congregation in a fragmented form and outside its organic articulation , but we see the organic scaffolding of these words in all its aspects , the exact version of the anti-human bourgeois reaction to the world labor movement . It´s clear that the working masses were not born into anti-capitalist at the moment of birth and not been baptized with anti-wage- labour epode , but in their class and social existence they´re at battle with capital , the capitalists , the govern of capital and capitalism system . Their lives are based on conflict with this system and in the meantime that the elements , groups and perhaps the vast majority of them under the poisonous tyrannical authority of thoughts and beliefs , perspectives and patterns and culture of the bourgeoisie , they´re not thinking with class-conscious head of their own class . Metamorphosed , frozen and transformed in swamp of consciousness, cognition and understanding beyond the system of wage slavery , they imagine, so they must advance their compulsive struggle with the capitalists and state , and also the wage-labour relations within the framework of the conventional prescriptions and solutions of the bourgeoisie or a colorful bourgeois oppositions . Another component of the real existence of this social class is that its members are, like all human beings , they aren´t cast creatures with the same level of wisdom , insight , experience and knowledge . There´re awareness workers among them , as there´re more unaware people too . Therefore , we have a social class that first has to fight against capitalism , secondly it´s captivated by the bourgeois version of advancement of this class war and thirdly , there´re individuals with different levels in terms of awareness and recognition power to discern the correct way or recognizing radical mechanisms of this struggle in different conditions and levels . The reformists see these facts, but the theme of their word is that “ everything that´s real it´s rational, and everything that is rational it´s real ” . Of course , they´re even inferencing the same words of Hegel in the same method of Hegel for reformism . They completely reject the fact that workers in their class existence are the eternal source of anti-capitalist radicalism . The metamorphosis and alienation of the consciousness of the working masses by capital , and all the calamities which capitalism has inflicted on the workers as a discovery of a great ideal they use it to justify their owen reformism, such the great reality of history . The right & left-wing reformism on the platform of this interpretation of the Hegelian atmosphere from the above words of Hegel , they´re shouting that workers aren´t against wage-labour, and they don´t want an anti-capitalist council movement but are syndicate-friendly and unionist . Therefore, they (right & left-wing reformists) must form syndicate and trade unions for them . They claim that communism is a science known to the scholars of the wealthy classes, and they are the ones who should create and lead the communist parties which ride the wave of trade-unionist workers´ protesting, and lead and guide the liberation of workers !! The discourse of the approach of abolition of wage-labour is fundamentally opposed to the reactionary versions that we mentioned above . Its short words is that the dissolution of the working masses in the dominant bourgeois thoughts and ideologies , culture , approaches and strategies is a fact but conscious organizing and nationwide anti – capitalist council movement of masses workers is quite possible and rational and this certainly can and should become a reality . There´s certainly no other way and only the result of hanging-on to philosophies of the right & left-wing reformists means the immortality of the captivity of the world´s working class in the filthy hell of blood and savagery of capitalism . The wage-labour abolition approach restates that workers constitute one of the two basic classes and the majority of society that workers according to their social existence are fighting against capital, and there are many workers with an anti – capitalist vigilance among them . In spite of all the deprivations , pressures and hardships they endure , there are aware workers and educated ones too . They´re human beings and like others they learn , gain experience and have understanding and knowledge . The aware workers and pioneers of them can start organizing anti – capitalist council of their own class and it´s quite possible that the mechanisms , strategies and solutions to advance this council organizing with these specifications in the darkness of the savage dictatorship of capitalism in the misguided of thoughts and beliefs of the bourgeoisie , being searched , discovered and practiced . It can be realized that they can act together , along and associated simultaneous with the masses of their own class what it´s deeply rational , of course communist rationality and anti – capitalist of the working class . Here , this isn´t a debate that each workers´ protest or effort of some workers outside such circuit of the approach to be the target of rejection , sanction without any conditions . The whole point is that the only real solution for the working class to impose its daily demands on the bourgeoisie and also to achieve and realization of liberation from clutches of the octopus-like of capitalism is council organizing , aware and nationwide with anti- wage-labour approach . Without taking this path , without going back to the rails of the anti – capitalist approach , no gate to the lasting attainment of any demands and no opening for destruction of capitalism and establishment of socialism , there´s no other opened way to the working masses . More importantly , without the formation and growth of this movement, there´s no way to advance toward socialism . Those who deny the possibility of the realization of this communist & Marxian rationality , aware or unaware , consolidate the eternity of capitalism and eternal captivity of the working class in the depths of the hell of wage slavery . They´ve been doing this throughout the twentieth century and in imposing the current situation on the world´s labor movement , step by step, by doing so they´ve been partners and sympathizers of the bourgeois reactionary . The essence of creating of parties and syndicates , independent of each feature and any amount of being radical or not or any political and social orientation , is digging a swamp on the way of maturity of a movement that growth , organizing and its awareness is the true manifestation of dynamic existence of socialist power at the heart of the capitalist system and its maturation is a comprehensive pre-condition and an obstacle to be dissolved in this system and advancing to socialism . In recent years , many people have spoken out about the council , many spoke or still are speaking about to be anti – capitalist . There´re many who criticize party and partisanship or those who are upset about Lenin´s version of the relation of objectivity & subjectivity and criticize that , against syndicalism and the trade-unionist movement too . There´re also relatively many people who say and do all these together , these people could be real activists of the anti-wage-labour movement of the working class , but they may not be also . Belief in the council movement , criticism of right & left-wing reformism and party and Leninism , also saying any word or doing any other thing , when the real praxis that is the anti-wage-labour approach of the working class that all these be done from the point of view of the inevitable needs and requirements for the flourishing and growth of the conscious and nationwide council movement of working class against capitalism . A movement which such a living thing is invading and advancing the progress to maturation of communism at the heart of dominant capitalist relations . Because such a movement to take shape and consistency and be ready to eradicate capitalism and establishing communism of abolition wage-labour must put an end to the mirage of the party and partisanship , syndication and other mechanisms of the right & left-wing reformism .
Naser Paydar
June 2013