The leaders of the capitalist world gathered on November 1, 2021 in Glasgow UK, for nearly two weeks highfalutin speeches and deceptive posters with the ugliest lies in the form of decision to deal with global warming !! deliver to workers all around the world.
Because dealing with global warming at 2 degrees by 2100 is put on the agenda of governments ! These have already been presented in more than a dozen international meetings and conferences, including at the Paris Conference in 2015, a conference full of deafening speeches and promises that weren’t fulfilled and it wasn’t supposed to be implemented. According to the UN environmental (UNEP) analysis in Oct. 2021, the world is on the verge of a 7/2 degree rise in global temperature, while this estimate is also very optimistic. The earth is now 2/1 degrees warmer than it was in 1880. The largest increase in temperature has occurred also in the last decade and this process if goes so fast, therefore 2 degrees of global warming in 2035 will be a reality. A few degrees of global warming may not seem like much but right now we’re witnessing the devastating and catastrophic effects of a one-degree increase. As has been the custom in these conferences and assemblies it is capital that talk and its speakers from Boris Johnson to Biden and all the executives of capitalism with rudeness and disgust state that to date they haven’t known the dimensions of the catastrophes, and it seems that they ́re supposed to think of a solution from now on ! The deception of these capital managers has gone so far as to deny even the information and all data of the Oil giants. Documents that energy companies such as Shell, Exxon and BP already knew that there’s a link between their products and global warming. About 40 years ago, oil companies like Exxon and Shell made assessments of carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuels and their release consequences for the planet. In 1980, Exxon predicted that by 2060 the level of carbon dioxide would reach 560 components per million (ppm) and this causes the global average temperature to rise by about 2 degrees compared to the pre-industrial capitalist era. Just a few years later, an internal report by the oil company Shell reported the same consequences, but according to Shell, reaching that level could have happened sooner by 2030. These oil companies had no doubt that there was a link between their products and global warming and the environmental damages they caused. According to Shell’s statement, the water surface level of the world was expected to rise by one meter and global warming may also lead to the disappearance of Antarctic ice sheets ( what were
witnessing right now ) which will lead to sea level rise across the globe by 5 to 6 meters. It was said at the Paris Conference in 2015 until then to control the rise of more than 2 degrees earth temperatures, more than half of the budget allocated for carbon dioxide was spent. Even if it was a start to reduce the use of fossil fuels, the use of these fuels should be completed by 2030 !! Otherwise, the scenario of 4 degrees temperature rise by 2100 will be a real scenario. The spokesmen of capital states at previous conferences still haven’ t included a formal statement indicating in their resolutions about connection between global warming and fossil fuels. Fraud and deception of politicians, governments and even some environmental organizations has gone that far that they pretend to be convincing each other in this issue. It’s customary at climate conferences that capital states and their institutions used to award medals to some of their strategic allies and blame some governments for this miserable situation. Glasgow Conference like all similar conferences don’ t impose any restrictions on capital and its accumulation process. They hide and deny the essential and inescapable connection of capitalist existence with environmental catastrophes, genocides and crimes, hunger and displacement. By fooling and deceiving , they feed a lot of lie and deception of the capitalists and their states to working masses, they seem to think about human environmental issues !
Ibrahim Payendeh
Nov. 27, 2021