From the beginning of the Ukraine war until today, we´ve witnessed the intensification, albeit limited of talks between Iranian workers or parts of them about the dimensions of the Russian government´s atrocities and crimes against the “Ukrainians” !. It´s a humane feeling, pure and praiseworthy. While we´re witnessing a mountain of bombs and missiles falling on million of workers, including children who trembling with fear of bombings, and group after group burn in the fire of bombs and turn into ashes, parents who searching for shelter with their babies and during this search they fall prey to bombers´fire, the elderly who leave their ruined nests to walk hundreds of kilometers to leave behind all fire of war and its miseries, and after all those sufferings, they fall into the trap of the deceitful hypocrisy of this or that capitalist state about immigration policy. Cities and villages that are being destroyed and smell of smoke and blood has filled them all over ! yes, seeing each of these imposed miseries, cell by cell of the existence of every human being who sees and thinks with own humane and class consciousness and thoughts, and not with the consciousness and thoughts generated by capital and capitalism, certainly frightens. These feelings, the tears that are shed, the sadness that weighs on the hearts, all these are appreciated and praised.
But is that really the case ? These sighs and groans, arise from the depths of workers´ spontaneous humanity !? is it a burning emotion in meaningful humane solidarity and connection which seeks the path of outburst ?! the essence of whispering of these protests is originating from a spontaneous feelings of the working masses against exploitation and injustice !?
Wish it was like that !! If so , the words would be powerless for praising it ! and it was a good sign for the dawn of hope throughout the darkness !
But the available evidence doesn´t confirm that, but shows the opposite . If it were as it should be, if sighs and groans were boiling from the clear source of anti-oppression, if the protests were a spontaneous class-uprising against oppression, why has it been shown only in the case of Ukraine, and nowhere else ? Unless, what is going on in Ukraine, it has been going on and still does, in different ways, at different levels and even sometimes much more criminally, more oppressive and more heartbreaking in other parts of the world too. But the working masses in Afghanistan haven´t endured a much worser , more catastrophic and painful situation than the “Ukrainians” for decades ? Why don´t we shed tears of sorrow for them from the source of humane and class coexistence ? Unless it happened to the Libyan workers and mass toilers, and it still continues, wasn´t much more terrifying and horribly than the “Ukranians” !!? the US-European capitalist war machine with Gaddafi, didn´t burn millions of Libyan workers, even small children and the elderly in its flames and turned them into ashes ? Unless, of course those fugitives who drowned in the seas and became prey to fishes, were runing from the war fires which was at the behest of Western capitalist states ? Unless millions of men & women and children, old and young Yemeni workers haven´t been burned in the fires of war between predatory capitalist governments and the powers for decades ? Unless what it has happened to the children of this region, it hasn´t been less than what the Nazis did at Auschwits against children , women and men ! Is the situation of the working masses in Ethiopia and Sudan, Congo and Somalia or many other places better than the situation of the “Ukrainians” today ?!!
But the tragedy doesn´t end here ! It´s not just a matter of ignoring the destroying lives of billions of workers all around the world in the Holocaust-like wars of governments ! , unless, capital and capitalism hasn´t been at war with all its states and statesmen , from the first moment of its creation until today, against the basis of our social existence, against our entire working class all over the world ? Unless, the billions of working masses haven´t been annihilated under the whipping of the economic coercion of capital, and under the oppressive pressure of capitalist exploitation ?, these working people haven´t been deprived of the basic necessities for living, shelter, drinking water, school , medicine and treatment, while been under coercive pressure of exploitation without uninterrupted by predatory capitalists ?!!! , what capital and capital owners imposes on us , the workers, by its rule of existence and nature, isn´t the most brutal war against humanity in history ? Aren´t the hundreds of millions of workers around the world, displaced and hungry, miserable and depressed, the lifelong victims of this system ?
This is what we´re sayinng and emphasizing on :
It´s commendable to clarify the dimensions of the catastrophes that were imposed on the “Ukranians” by a war between the capitalists savages. There´s no doubt about that, but why does this compass of humane sensitivity only sees the “Ukranians” ? Why it doesn´t see the billions of lifelong victims of wars, generation after generation with the same fate but in different geographical directions ? and why they consider that the displaced Afghan workers do not deserve the same humane sympathy ?!! why they´re refusing to recognize and accept the displaced Afghan workers as members of the working class ? why they consider Afghan worker as an enemy, a competitor for their jobs ? and why they, that a displaced Afghan worker´s low wages that has been reduced time by time, consider it such as own stolen wages from themselves ? Such workers who assume that the necessities provided by the displaced Afghan worker to meet the vital needs of the family belong to the non-Afghan worker !! and they fight against the displaced Afghan workers, and not only do they not consider the Afghan worker worthy of class unity, but they don´t consider him or her a human being at all. Why do they do the same thing to Palestinian, Pakistani and Indian, Bangladeshi and Iraqi workers and etc. ???
It´s the list of these observations that raises doubts and it raises this question in very serious way that why does the feeling of sympathy and grief of some Iranian workers, like European workers, only boil over for the “Ukranians” ?!!! and not a sense of sympathy and class-coexistence for all working class individuals regardless of the geographical location and direction , and not for the billions of hungry and deisplaced workers in Africa and in East and West of Asia , and finally that, not for even the Ukranian workers, but only for the “Ukranians” ???!!!
This is very serious and challenging matter of question, a question which its design arouses the conscience of any conscious anti-capitalist worker, and it raises the suspicion that the source of this mere feeling and compassion for the “Ukranians” in general, not is orginated from the class-unity and humane class-spontaneity of workers, rather, it orginates from the stench of capitalism, which capital produces and engineers it on basis of the relation of sale & purchase of laborforce, and uses it with help of the necessary measures to brainwash the worker´s conscious and thoughts , acts and manners in a social scale. This isn´t a fantasy or a slander, because here and there is recognizable , at least an important part of that shows a deeply serious catastrophe. It´s a tragedy that we, the workers, the working class of Iran and the whole world, are supposed to see and accept always and everywhere what this or that pole of capital, this or that bourgeois party wants and wills. It seems that we workers aren´t supposed to think about the world and society, life and work, and exploitation of our laborforce , about the relation which we as workers enter in it, about present and future of our lives with a conscious and class-consciousness in all process of thoughts , acts & reacts and social class manners. It´s as if we´re supposed to continue dealing with the course of events around the world with the bourgeois compass, and to have the same inference from the course of events as the bourgeoisie does . In this regard, we must always and everywhere in the guise of a justiciable judge of the war between the predatory and savage bourgeoisie about division and redistribution of torn corpses and spoils of war that seems according to the imposed conventional thoughts dictated by the bourgeoise, we must always be in a role of an active judge in determining the rights of the capitalist criminals savages, the fair distribution of the spoils of wars between them. The spoils of the war, except from the broken sould and body of us, the workers, include the whole product of the our laborforce and exploitation of the whole working class , generation after generation, and it´s about nothing else. The American bourgeoisie drops the bombs of democracy and the Russian capitalist rulers the bombs of dictatorship, Western governments are guardians of human rights and the Chinese are inhumane ! in the meantime, what doesn´t matter is the bloody and plague-like and destructive war of all these beasts and savages of capitalism against our whole working masses , the working class all around the world ! and what it can not be discussed is the exploitation of laborforce, economic political brutality, crimes and incitement to war that capital imposes over the entire billions of workers all around the world. What it´s not discussed is the radical class struggle of us, the masses of workers against the foundation of the existence of capital and the monstrous existence of capitalism. But this is the way to the cemetery. The war in Ukraine and all other wars in the world today is a class-war by capital against us, the workers. Their war is only about the distribution and redistribution of surplus values and the whole of capital that´s resulting from the exploitation of us, in other words, the unpaid labor of the workers. Nothing is more foolish, despicable and more catastrophic than forgetting our class struggle, the class war against the existence of capitalism, but instead be judeging the role of Putin or NATO in igniting wars , in both present and future. Our tasks must be to put the hands of the Ukranian workers in the hands of the Russian workers, and join the hands of the entire working class , shoulder by shoulder in Iran and the whole world together, and all together against Nato, against Putin and the Russian rulers, against all capitalist states, against the whole system of wage slavery, and enter the battlefield of class struggle .
Mazdak Koohkan
March. 2022