1. Capitalism uses strong pesticides and deadly poisons to make agricultural and food products as profitable as possible. For example, 51 poisons are used for grapes, 41 deadly chemicals are used for citrus fruits, 41 toxic substances are used to reduce apple waste, and 27 dangerous poisons are used for pears. There are more than 10 types of toxic substances commonly used to deal with banana pests, and all of which are very deadly. The capital owners use these poisons to lower the production cost of these products and to prolong their consumption life and the process of selling them, thus making the profit from their production and sale even more astronomical. In order to achieve and increase the profit more and more, capital imposes hundreds of deadly diseases, including types of cancer, on the lives of human beings.
2. The mutual effects of the set of pesticides and biocides used simultaneously in the production of a food product are such that they increase the destructive effects of each other exponentially, and sometimes the toxicity resulting from their combination is hundreds of times greater than the destructive effect of these substances in a separate state. Capital, by resorting to the use of these poisons in the production of food products, makes it gain more and more profit at the cost of the destruction of humanity.
3. The use of pesticides and anti-environmental materials gradually increases the resistance of bacteria, fungi and weed plants, and even mice to the highest possible level. Therefore, the use of newer deadly poisons and the uninterrupted replacement of pesticides with much more destructive effects, are one of the necessities of capitalist agriculture. It is very conceivable that capital spends a large part of the result of the work and exploitation of the world’s workers for the replacement of pesticides with others. In this regard, the capitalists make more and more profits by putting more pressure of exploitation on the working masses, and making them suffer from incurable diseases.
4. Those biocides that have the same effect can make each other more resistant. This means that when a biocide develops drug resistance, other biocides with a similar mechanism also experience the same condition and lose their effects, for example, on fungi. Hormonal biocides not only cause disorders in the body parts of food consumers or the occurrence of fatal diseases in agricultural workers, but their increase in nature, especially with a relatively long life, they cause many disturbances to other living beings in nature.
5. The number of biocidal substances used by capital owners is not the same in all countries, for example, in France in 2011, about 291 biocidal substances were registered. Each country has its own list, and a part of this list may be the same as the rest of the countries and not in another part. In Denmark 152, Sweden 162, Netherlands 217, Germany 231 chemicals deadly to human health have been used in the same year 2011. It should be noted that agricultural products are exchanged all over the world. It should be mentioned that a certain volume of fruits and vegetables, flour, vegetables and meat exported by a country can contain a much larger amount of biocides compared to the same volume of products produced in another country.
6. The results of various tests in 2013 indicate that there are 328 types of biocides in vegetables and summer fruits, and 301 types of biocides in nuts, including hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and 88 deadly toxic substances are used in grains such as barley, wheat and corn. Capitalism has made food and clothing, weather and land, sea and forest and everything full of poisons in human life in order to reduce the cost of production and make the consumption life of products longer and also profits more and more.
7. Some pesticides are used to protect and increase the function of the plant and the lifespan of the product. The second category is used to protect fabrics, clothes, shoes, wood, tents, and to refine water in the treatment plants, boats, and large ships. The chemical properties of these materials are such that they are indestructible, and they are resistant to antidotes and micro-organisms, and they are dissolved only in fat and are not washed off with water. These toxins get into the fat layer of the skin of plants, fruits and vegetables and stay there. Experiments say that 86% of the biocides used in fruits, including citrus fruits, apples and pears, remain in them.
The anti-capitalist workers of Iran
Feb. 2023