( Part 1 )
Previously, there´s been a lot of talk about a great defeat of 40 years old strategy of the Islamic regime of capital in the region and the world. A fundamentally failing strategy that has imposed an important part of the turbulent global crisis of capital on working conditions, exploitation and the life of the working masses in Iran, and it´s increasing everyday. A more share-seeking strategy and excess of power stocks, ownership and profit, the rule of international capitalism by fascist organizing of some disobedient plug-ugly from the region and the world, an approch that, on the one hand, has shattered the basis of current class struggle of the working masses of the Middle East, and, on the other hand, it does threaten the stability of neighboring rival governments in the region and the security of presence of their international partners in the region. The Islamic regime made progress in this direction for some time. In countries like Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen even temporarily, a part of the government, army and the structure of political and economic order, and in one word, became a part of the dominant economic and political power. This strategy was fundamentally delusional and full of unresolved contradictions. The contradictions that were briefly :
1. It lacked the necessary material and economic ossification, the Iranian capitalism by referring to its position in the division of labour of the world´s capitalism, in terms of volume and organic composition of capital and degree of social labor productivity and the power of competition in world markets and the ability to capture partly of international surplus values it didn´t have the capacity for this kind of costly crisis-creating expansionism.
2. The whole galactic costs of the regime´s expansionist approach was imposed on the miserable lives of the working masses in Iran, the process of hunger and poverty, catastrophe and vagabondage and all forms of workers´ deprivation became more acute and scope of protest, outburst and mass uprisings of the working class was culminating.
3. At every step, it created and nurtured the most hostile regional and global conspiracies against the Islamic regime. On the one hand, it ignited the anger and wrath of the working masses of countries and on the other hand, it also terrorized the largest part of the bourgeoisie whether ruling or in opposition in countries. What the Islamic Republic of capitalism wanted and did it was the fascist domination of the bourgeoisie in its strictly accurate materialist, ideological and social sense. From this perspective it didn´t bore little resemblance to the most criminal form of military-political intervention of the powerful poles of world capitalism. For example, the American bourgeoisie in investment realm of capital in societies or the realm of its vast presence, nevertheless, it didn´t base its work on the continues fascist organization of indigenous thugs. But the Islamic Republic did, the strategy and approach that forced the majority of regional governments and even the various capitalist blocs required to think of a solution and hostile stance.
4. The internal gap of the Iranian bourgeoisie, even deepened the internal conflict in the structural political power of the day. A section of the capitalist class, including the so-called reformist forces or the real constructive mafias of the Islamic regime, while fully adhering to the regime´s extravagance and expansionism, to make these dreams come true, they had their own pattern and distinctive version. They insisted on increasing industrial accumulation as widely as possible, increasing labor force productivity, and the growing competitiveness of total capital in the market of the world. These conditions and privileges were seen as dependent on alliances with the United States, European countries, or the whole West pole of capitalism. Avoiding this orientation or focusing on the strategy of the other faction was considered irrational and they made every effort to gain a dominant position in the power structure. The dominant strategy of the Islamic Republic, with the mentionned indicators, it more or less intensified the conflicts between the two parts of the regime, especially in this particular case, and in this regard, despite the fact that it greatly increases the demagogic and illusory capacity of the Islamic fascism of capital and eroded the bourgeois state machine from within and pushed from outside into the abyss of greater weakness.
It took several years for the regime to despair in the quagmire of the consequences of this approach. Certain events helped the capitalist rulers of Iran advance their plans. The Bush administration´s invasion of Iraq provided the Islamic Republic with the most golden opportunity, and the real winner of the American war in 2003 was the Islamic Republic !! dollar to dollar , from the surplus-values of the exploitation of the world´s proletariat, for astonishing costs that the United States had devoted to the devastation of Iraq or the burning of the product of labor and exploitation of several generations of the working class of this country, was reaped by the ruling capitalists in Iran in the form of shares of profits, property, political power and sovereignty. It was supposed to the war guarantee the undisputed domination of the American imperialist capitalist order but it made the Islamic Republic a unique force in organizing Iraq´s economy, politics, formal and informal army. It didn´t take long for oil prices to reach highest record and the price of a barrel of OPEC oil exceeded 150 dollars. This explosive jump in price, in the case of the Islamic Republic exported more than 4 million barrels of oil every day, entered the roaring flood of surplus values into the cycle of Iranian capitalist reproduction. The regime also spent a significant portion of these items, in addition to the huge ahre of other surplus values resulting from the exploitation of the working masses, on advancing its strategic goals. If the US government´s provocation opened the doors of Iraq and other parts of the Middle East to the revolutionary guard´s offensive abroad, the unprecedented rise in oil prices also provided the necessary costs for these attacks and invasion too, and the regime safely invested heavily in various sectors of the Iraqi, Lebanese and Syrian economies and at the same time, it expanded and accelerated the militaristic organization of forces in the region.
When the global working class isn´t on the battlefield, when the flames of the anti-capitalist war of the proletariat are extinguished, the reaper of every revolt and struggle, with any extent and grandeur, after all, is the reactionary bourgeoisie and including the religious fascism of capital. In the same direction, the victorious winner of the so-called Arab Spring was also the Islamic Republic too. The interconnected outbreak of the rebellious masses in the Gulf and the southern Mediterranean, in the absence of a radical anti-capitalist strategy, it created fascism and ineffective reactionary civil wars and the Islamic regime benefited the most from this situation. In Yemen, it became an influential present power, and in Syria became the decisive political power of capitalism. The 33-day war between Hezbollah and Israel in 2006, the militaristic interventions of the Revolutionary Guards in changing the arrangement of the military forces, successful presence in the Syrian civil war with the support of Russia in favor of the Assad regime, and all of these added to the regime´s illusion of its strategic victory. The capitalist Islamic fascism carried out these plans for some time. But what the regime never saw under any circumstances it was a mountain of the explosive effects of these so-called victories.!! The regime´s development strategy, for the reasons we mentioned earlier, even in the most successful cases, it created countless obstacles and barriers on the way to its continuity. The obstacles, problems and dangers that boasted in various forms, that became more disobedient and confused the Islamic Republic in a decisive way. Let´s look at general lines of these problems.
The way the regime was going was to secure stability for Iranian capitalism through the most criminal form of physical and intellectual repression of the working masses, along with creating increasing instability in the structure of the political and economic order of other countries. The islamic Republic didn´t recognize a certain range in the second realm and wherever possible, even in allied and close societies, if possible, entered the field. Not only in Iraq and Yemen, Syria and Lebanon did strive to become an integral part of the political-economic power, not only in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE did create crisis, rather, it followed the same pattern in North Africa, regarding to Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the other former Soviet republics of Asia, Pakistan and India. In Europe, the United States and Canada also sought to assassinate dissidents or to engage in any homogenous activity with a share-seeking strategy. The direct product of this record, it was the emergence of a consensus of rival and hostile poles to restrain the regime. We´ve seen examples of this consensus over the last two decades on the “nuclear issue”. A comic and clumsy scenario that has become one of the most controversial global conflicts. The United States and Europe, China and Russia, and 80% of the world´s governments and the United Nations, each verbally and intentionally, speak of the danger of equipping the regime with nuclear weapons. Under the same heading, the largest sanctions in history against the livelihood, medicine and treatment of tens of millions of workers have been planned and implemented, and a significant portion of the product of the working class productivity of the world has been devoted to the prosperity of this riot. The organized land, sea and air ambushes have been launched and destructive war trumpets have been sounded many times. A dark scenario in which what no one, no government and no blocking, no organization and no institution or inspection institue really cares is the atomization of the Islamic Republic or not, but what is most important for all poles and governments is to reduce the regime´s interference, destabilization and crisis-creating manner. The reference or citation of a long chain of events, alignments and crisis to the threat of Iran´s nuclearization was acceptable only to sick minds that the assassination of the Austrian Crown Prince by an younng Serb is a convincing reason for them to start the First imperial War !!. Let us not forget that any kind of disruption of the ruling capitalist order, even if the disruptive force is among the most predatory governments of the same system, isn´t tolerable for other regimes or poles of global capital. Even with these governments and forces, it will be exactly the same as it was with the disobedient fascism of the third decade of twentieth-century Europe. There, also two hostile bourgeois blocs for the preservation of this order, hand in hand, they fought in one of the greatest ruinous wars in history, against a completely internal and excessive threatening force to the sacred order of capital. There´s no question of comparison, but is about the nature of capital, the capitalist class and capitalist state. The destabilization of the Middle East by the Iranian regime wasn´t only a red-line of threat to the United States, nor could it be toleratable by the Chinese bourgeoisie and the Russian government, while was benefiting from it, but it saw controlling it as vital, but only Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Bahrain, the UAE and Kuwait didn´t feel afraid of it, while the regimes of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Pakistan, Oman and Tajikistan also found themselves captivated by anxiety and fear.
As time went on, the determination of the US government and its allies and partners, even those of their rival blocs, to challenge the regime´s expansionist, extravagant and crisis-creating challenges, and their sense of need for this challenge became more and more vital. The strategy of bourgeois Islamic fascism became like a deadly rope around their necks, and the most catastrophic economic sanctions in history, like rubble fell on the cycle of capital reproduction and capitalism in Iran. The rapid rise of capital accumulation, both domestic and foreign, which in the 1970s even surpassed the record of the fifth plan of the capitalist monarchy regime, from Ahmadinejad´s second administration onwards, despite the explosive eruption of the surplus value from oil´s realm, it went through the whole process of decline rapidly and the massive multibillion-dollar contracts were canceled. The interconnected areas of South Pars, from Bushehr to Bandar Abbas with the world´s richest gas recources, allowed the influx of giant domestic capital along with the Chinese, French and Italian, Korean and Japanese capital to brutally exploit hundreds of thousands of workers and achieve galactic surplus values, it started to dry and empty very quickly. The companies went one by one and the projects stopped and thousands upon thousands of workers were getting fired and the process of blocking capital accumulation wasn´t limited to this region or the oil & gas sector as a whole. All sections of the economy of capital and the entire cycle of capital reproduction were subjected to the greatest pressure, shut down, stagnation and disruption. The sanctions didn´t just block the investment of capital by the governments or giant international industrial and financial trusts, more crushing and worse, but it also blocked the daily entry of billions of dollars of commodity-capital, which is the imperative need for a dynamic process of value-increasing of capital. The whole car industry, energy industries and production of home appliances, basic metals, air & land transport and Etc, which were bought the revolving and stable part of their fixed capital, especially the first one bought from the world market, all were half closed or endured by heavy blows. The reason was clear, even if the sanctions were bypassing in some form and level, nevertheless, explosively increased the cost of production in these areas, otherwise, it would had significantly reduced their profitability.
Naser Paydar
Oct. 2021
be continued ……