The consequences of the intellectual repression and engineering of workers´consciousness are not only less than the catastrophic effects of the physical repression and bloodshed of their struggles by the bourgeoisie, but it´s much more. Just as the pressure of the economic coercion of capital is greater than any other form of coersion. We´ve heard this from some workers over the last few decades with these concepts that “ we want wages, not cancellation of wage labor ” !! “ find an employer to exploit us, not abolition of capitalism ”!! “our trouble isn´t reformist union but not having right to syndicate” !! “we´re not able to get the right to strike, they recommend us rejecting the legal struggle” !! and many other such concepts which indicates the penetration of poisonus intellectual products of capitalism in our thoughts and perception. In fact, no anti-capitalist workers has said that the war against unemployment and low wages, lack of organizing, lack of medicine & treatment and housing, gender discrimination and deprivation of freedom and basic human rights or fight against environmental pollution should be stopped but instead launch campaigns to abolish wage labor !! These interpretations aren´t the reaction of sympathetic working people, but it´s the hysterical reflection of the thoughts tainted with the superstitions of the syndicators, party leaders and defenders of the survival of capitalism. The real word isn´t these interpretations but the opposite. The talk is about correct path and misguided one, successful conscious struggle or a resultless and erosive fight, a movement with hope and an anti-capitalist approach or the humiliating burial of the labor movement in the graveyard of capitalism. It´s not a matter of diminishing the importance of an anti-unemployment struggle, but, on the contrary, it´s around that this war instead of erosion, destruction, failure and frustration, rather, would have resultful achievements to promote class warfare much more effectively. It´s not a question of whether the campaigns are legal or not, rather, it´s meant the resultant and empowering of any class campaign, clear vision and recognition of achievements in the life and dynamic of the inevitable historical struggle. Discussion is about the radical and possible change of facts or surrendering our consciousness to bourgeois illusions and deceptions. The link between this word and the current living conditions and struggles of the working masses and the workers´ current struggle to raise wages. Reformism from right to left-wing, peaceful or demanding for overthrow, theistic or secular, with banner of reformism or “communism” !! it frequently speaking of rising wages, wages are low, prices are high, inflation is stormy and the livelihood condition is sad and pathetic, there´s no happy day, there´s mourning for hunger everywhere, this is the situation and wages must be increased. As if neither the capitalists nor their government dont know anything about these issues and the problem is about their ignorance !!! Maybe they´re natural merciless human beings that should be requested to be merciful and clement and with prayer clean and polishing their rusty humanity !!!. The reformists´ fuss and hubbub , with any color and glaze , over wages or any other matter of life and struggle of the working class is a kind of vicious service for the bourgeoisie and betraying to the class struggle of the working masses. The fact is that the capitalists don´t necessarily deny the misery and starvation, deprivation of medication & treatment, and homelessness of the working masses, even any symbol of ferocity and inhumanity of capitalists such like Khamenei in Iran, every day he shouts from his tribune that people are hungery and poor !! , his word or any capitalist and capitalist statesman, not the lack of information about the living conditions of the cursed working masses, but it´s another fundamental issue. The word and charter of consciousness arising from the social existence of all capitalists and the state, their suppressive institutions and army is that “living giver” , “the origin of life and livelihood” and “guaranteer of survival” of human life is capital. If instead of the word “capital” , they use other words such as God, society and social production or any other word, it´s simply a code name for “capital” . The firm belief of this class is that the permission to enjoy any amount of livelihood, drinkable water, medicine and treatment or any basic biological necessities of human beings must be issued by capital and capitalism and it conditionally issues these licenses in some amount which is a necessary condition for development, self-increase and survival of capital. This is the secret of the existence of capital and secret of the creation of capitalism. Capital isn´t supposed to meet the needs of the worker´s life, and the foundation of its existence is based on sacrifice human life in the face of profit. A sentence that is unchangeable from the perspective of capital. Wage increase, improving livelihoods, providing of medicine and treatment, education guarantee, housing and environmental health, unemployment compensation, health insurance, elimination of gender discrimination and the like in terms of capital means reducing surplus values and profit. Decreasing profits causes a drop in accumulation, and is rise of crisis and this occurrence. Capital in response to the living, welfare, political and social demands of the workers, it answers with the savage power of police and army, the state and religion, party and syndicates, military arsenals and institutions of brainwashing that is imposed on the working masses. The words of the capitalists contrary to what the reformists say, that practically and really means that : the meaning of being a worker is producing the surplus value, to have means of living or not isn´t its responsbility, a worker´s being alive or not it´s a function of the needs of the profit generating cycle. The capitalist by imposing whatever it takes, says that the philosophy of the worker´s existence means the more self-increasing of capital, the worker´s livelihood and welfare or any needs of life doesn´t matter at all. If the capitalists here or there retreat against this or that demand of workers, it´s merely an emergency, not responding to demands of the working masses but its opposite, it´s a step towards the preservation of capitalismm. The basis of message of the coercive function of capital is very clear and that is that you´re workers, you´re workforce sellers and you have no right to interfere in the fate of work and production, it´s capital which decides and whatever is the basis of the capital decision it´s not about worker´s livelihood, health and welfare. The result is that if we want a decent human life, if we think about medicine, health and treatment, if we´re concerned about getting rid of gender oppression, if we want a non-polluted living environment therefore we have to think about getting rid of being workers. We must put the foundation of task on denial of being and remaining workers and stop producing surplus value and take the fate of work, production and life under our own control, and build on these foundations. Until the prospect of our strike, protest and uprising is merely for wage increase, until we ask, for a better life, from capital, so its exact answer to us will be more catastrophic poverty and misery and homelessness. Even there´s no choice for wage increase except that we become an organized power against wage labor. In this way, in the maze of organizing and building this class power that we can force the capitalists to retreat, into wage increasing. Instead of wage demand, refer to our annual work and production record. Annual work and production which according to the World Bank is over 1.7 trillion dollars. We must declare that we want to dedicate this whole product ( 1.7 trillion dollars ) to livelihood, welfare, health and treatment and education in our lives. We must announce that here is our class battlefield, we´re struggling to determine the fate of this product and for this class war we´re organizing the whole power of the working class struggle by councils in this class battlefield. It must , this class power that´s been collapsed, grounded and oppressed and condemned, turn into an anti-capitalist council movement.
The anti-capitalist workers of Iran
Jan. 2021