There´re many workers who have worked for months and been worn out, but haven´t received any wages. A mountain of poverty´s been rubble over their livelihood and the risk of death due to starvation of their children shakes their whole being. Under the pressure of these tragedies, these workers, confused and despicable , turn to the capitalist state, sitting down and recourse to the law, and always with empty hands of any bread, embarrassed to face their own hungry children, reaching home . This is the fate of a large population of the working class today and this situation raises serious, historical and vital questions for them. Whatever they´re suffering from today is it their destiny and history has come to an end for them ?! Is the way they go, or whatever have been imposed on them, is the only way ?! Is there no other way or another solution for them ?!!
History and experiences of human life have answered these questions, because there´s no ruling of destiny. The history of human societies is the history of class struggle, it´s the history of the emergence and overthrow of various forms of production and social systems. Capitalism is one of these systems and of course, one of the most brutal and predatory one. But this is also going to be gone, because it´s under pressure of the most crushing and rogue internal contradictions. From the time of its emergence until today, without a momment´s pause, has been target of the most wrath of the working masses and the majority of the inhabitants of the planet. If it´s not destroyed it´s because of only one reason, and that is that our struggle against this system hasn´t been a real class struggle. The way of this struggle must be found. This is the greatest issue of history and the real key to the ultimate liberation of all humanity. Our class struggle is real when we enter the power of the working masses that becomes more and more global, organized and being councilor, and without resort to any left and right-wing reformist parties, to disrupt and shut down the cycle of profit and capital production, in the field of anti-capitalist struggle. If we , the working masses do so, we´ll break down the current situation and we begin the real history of our lives. Our movement is at its most depressed condition. One hundred years ago, our first generation of the working class in Iran, in the same hell which was on the way of beginning of developing into capitalism, in the city (Anzali) with a brave uprising of 150 working people, a riot which broke out over the capitalist. Our fathers, the workers who announced that they wouldn´t give any cent of the result of their work into the capital owner. Today, a hundred years later, in a situation where the population of our class has increased hundreds thousands of times in Iran, while the result of our exploitation has riased such as unreachable mountain too. While we, the workers have made a mass of capitalists richer than the most capitalists and the owners of the world´s greatest trusts, we ourselves, to get our deferred wages in months, must implore capitalists and on the threshold of power of capital !! This isn´t any life, but a real burning hell. History in all its dimensions is shouting that this situation can be changed, this is changeable. To be involved in the moment-by-moment process of this transformation, every of our protest and strike, revolt and uprising must have several important characteristics : First, it must be the manifestation of our conscious and transparent effort to form a council of the power of the masses of our class struggle against capital. Second, manifest the more conscious actions of this power against the cycle of capital production and the head of the capitalist order. Third, it must demonstrate our moment-by-moment struggle to expand and strengthen the foundations of this organized council power against capital.
Let´s start this way, in the first step, instead of sit-down strike and resorting to the institutions of power of the predatory capitalist state, take the path of factories and work centers, the path of class struggle and exercise of organized power by the working masses. By participating in every protest and struggle of the workers and shout at them that we´re all members of the same social class with the same fate. We´re all exploited by capital, and separated from work and destiny of our work and life. The ruling regime is, the power apparatus of capital and the ruling social order, the barbaric order of capital against us. Our poverty is your poverty, and our hunger is your hunnger, our deprivation of any right, displacement and oppression is deprivation and misery of our whole social working-class. We have to convince each other that this situation isn´t sustainable, must be changed and the key to its radical change is in the hands of all of us, and tell them that our struggle is their struggle too. Why and for what reason, we are , separated from each other, helpless and distressed, despicable and aware of the ineffectiveness of the sit-in and begging from the institutions of capitalist order, still ask them to fulfillment of our demands ? Why the capitalists to stifle any voice of our protest, in a blink, they´re campaigning with the government, the army and parliament, the police and entire military arsenal to suppress us, but we refuse to hear the voice of protest wherever some of our fellows struggles !! Why do the capitalists, who slaughter each other like wild beasts to find a greater share of our exploitation, at the same time, to suppress us in the form of a single force, despite the common differences, they´re united. But we, the tens of millions of workers and billions of wage-slaves worldwide, must not struggle united and together against capitalism ?! Isn´t it that each of us, in every factory go on strike several times a year to meet our minimum demands, why don´t we support each other´s struggles once and for all, and shut down the wheel of the capitalist production ? When capital owners, with taking advantage of the catastrophic depravity and division of the workers, that refuses to pay the workers´quasi-free wages, we, the tens of millions of workers, without any sense of class responsibility, still by our work increase the profits and capital of the bourgeois beast ?
We have to start to seek each others all around the country, dialogue for our unity and organizing, and in this regard, start organizing our worldwide anti-capitalist councils .
The activists of wage-labor abolition movementNov. 2016