First of all , many speak of the struggle against exploitation , poverty and child labor , addiction and prostitution , environmental pollution and gender discrimination , oppression and tyranny !! Our point is that the root of all these catastrophes lies in the existence of capital . The struggle against these catastrophes without direct attack on the existence of capitalism is just futile and ineffective . It´s capital that separates man from their work , product of work and from themselves and from other human beings , it distorts all the fields of human communication between individuals and replaces them with the relation of commodities and the relation of capital and labor . It does deprives the worker of interfering in the destiny of their work, production and lives and also the work and result of worker´s labor is transformed into capital of the capitalist class and hereby livelihoods, treatment and physical and mental health, education and social rights and politics and everything else of masses of workers´ lives are getting victimizing for gain and expansion of capital too . It has to be said that capital isn´t just money, factories and land or objects in general but it´s a social relation , a relation that takes the form of politics , law and legislation and civilization , state , thought and ideology , culture and religion and ethics or any other manifestation . It does make all of these integral parts of its existence and it´s associated with the ballot box , parliament and judiciary , the army, police and intelligence agencies, democracy and nationalism , fascism and liberalism and also pan-islamism . That´s that capital makes all these the mechanism of its survival .
Secondly , the workers´struggle with capitalism can take two inherently contradictory forms, and this has historically been the case .
1. The form that capitalism prescribes for them ( the masses of workers ). Capital , the ideologies and strategies , analyzes and solutions , critiques , thoughts and beliefs and patterns that transcend the dominant mode of production and by that induces as ideas and beliefs, perspectives and social values and interests of all human life, including the working class !! and in this way, it completely distorts the whole facts and call the result of this great forgery as consciousness , will and knowledge and pattern of human life . From within the same process it does perscribe strategies to challenge unresolved nature conflicts and self-explanatory and converts this grim and ominous version as the strategy of the working masses to solve current problems and conflicts . These include the recourse to elections and the rule of law , hanging on to governmental institutions , syndicalism and sects and parties , the overthrowing opposition without any anti-capitalist approach and panning of replacing one regime with another and also a form of capitalist planning with another one among others . In this figure , even every “victory” is a step towards the catastrophic dissolution of the worker in the structure of capital order , and worker´s obedience to the capitalist system is a blow to the anti-wage slavery campaign too .
2. Another form of class struggle that origins from the social and class existence of the workers and it´s a clear manifestation of their class struggle against capitalism . A narrative that is the manifestation of independent consciousness , conscious will and class criticism and radical human orientation , in a word , their transformative and revolutionary conscious existence . The working masses have historically begun with it and has always and everywhere turned to by the extent of the growth of consciousness and the power of their independent class influence . By relying on the collective power of the council and anti-capitalism and exercising this power against the capitalist class , state of capital and wage labor system in all areas of social life , by avoiding hanging on the capitalist law and legislation and institutional power of capital , avoiding any kind of formation and organizing from above and turning to the establishment of a nationwide anti-wage slavery movement is the basis of this form of struggle and approach . The council movement is a manifestation of the free, influential and conscious involvement of the workers in the process of class struggle without any leader beyond themselves . A movement that demands livelihood and welfare , fight for political freedoms and social human rights and environmental pollution campaign , gender discrimination or any other protest with a class war against capital , it has the most radical solutions which is most earthly and tangible . A movement from within this nationwide council campaign overthrow the state of capital and abolish the wage labor and eliminates the existence of classes and the state and also establishes a free human society .
Third , capitalist society is the inevitable battleground of the working class and capitalist class . There´s not third class (middle class ) at all . The worker can be unemployed or employed , productive or unproductive , manual or intellectual one , work in factory , school and hospital and institutions or in streets or indoors and their work products would be possessed by a certain capitalist , state of capital or be appropriated by social capital . The capitalist isn´t just the owner of a factory or an investment firm , because every political economy , legislational and cultural order planner of capital , every elemental members of this order that impose this order on the working class or beneficiary in perpetuation of this order is a member of the capitalist class .
Fourth , Iranian capitalism is in crisis and the regional development of the Islamic regime has also intensified the pressure of the crisis and sanctions have exacerbated the devastation of the crisis . The working masses with the most severe pressure of exploitation by capital and the burden of capitalist crisis and tolerating the economic and social consequences of the regimme´s expansionism and sanctions more than any other period so they suffers from poverty and humiliation . Millions of workers without livelihoods ´possibilities , are even deprived of safe drinkable water and healthy air to breathe . The reaction of millions of workers to what capital has imposed on them is the uprising on the verge of capitalist hell . Workers everywhere are protesting , striking and rebelling .
Fifth , inn such circumstances the extinct oppositions of the bourgeoisie , from reformers to supporters of the monarchy , left and right-wing militia and nationalist sects and left-wing parties fascinnated by political power , all of them still claim to be an alternative !! and they argue that the problem of the workers is the lack of a leader and force above workers´ to be led . That is to say that they call themselves the savior of the mass workers . In the current situation they´re not able to play any role , but during a general uprisinng and the regime´s inability to challenge the uprisings and the absence of a working class council movement , they will try to figure out the most catastrophic scenarios for the working masses under the banner of the poles of global capital .
Sixth , the Iranian labor movement has taken effective steps forward over these years . Consonance in demands , spreading the protests and turning them into some fleeting regional uprisings , even nationwide , and very limited and inconsistent orientation for council organizing but the talk of council occupation of labor centers is evidence of this growth . The current class struggle of the workers with all these advances , has been stopped behind a very heavy , terrible and erosive impasse and by all these the workkers see themselves as individual sllers of labor and consider their battlefield to be enclosed workplace where they work and bargaining with their employer !! They don´t consider and acknowledge themselves as a social class at war with capitalism !! and being a wage slave as their destiny and eternal fate . Capitalism is considered the last home of history and they suppose themselves and their class to be nothinng , absurd and subjugated by capitalism and they don´t show to be prepared to promote their current movement to an anti-capitalist council power . This impasse is certainly breakable and breaking it can be a turning point in the history of the labor movement in Iran and across the world . We , the anti-capitalist workers , call on all workers and workers´ activists to start their own organized aware movement and most important of all their anti-capitalist councils . The anti-capitalist council movement of the working masses of Iran consider to fulfill the following immediate demands and expectations such as strongholds , tactics and continuous and interconnected loops of class struggle .
1. The annual work and production of our social class is more than one trillion dollars . The whole product of work should be spent on a prosperous livelihood , health and treatment , education from kindergarten to university , commuting , the growth and development of children and the best way to care for the elderly, disabled and retirees and healthy recreation for all along with the continuous, increasing and growing reproduction of these possibilities. Water, electricity and gas, livelihood and housing , telephone and internet, doctor and medicine and hospital, kindergarten and school and university, collective amenities , all and all must be completely out of the control of sell&purchase relation , and become the right to self-determination without any conditions for all members of society, whether employed or looking for work .
2. It´s only the nationwide council movement against the wage slavery of the working masses that has the right to plan work and production , to determine what is produced and whatever not , how the product of work and production is distributed or the fate of work and production as a whole . We´re fighting for the establishment of this movement at the same time and in parallel the establishment of the organized power of the councils against the wage labor in workers´ movement and against all aspects of the domination of the capitalist class in the planning of labor and production and also struggle against the basis of the rule of capitalist class over the destiny of our work and production too .
3. All information, statistics and documents, reports and news related to the production process , circulation and distribution and the organizing of the annual social product of labor and production , all the data related to the work of many years and successive generations of the working class , natural resources, underground reserves and environmental issues , planning and policies , internal and external trades , diplomatic relations of countries must be comprehensively , routinely and systematically available to all human beings in society . All necessary facilities must be provided for all people to have access to these informations .
3. Annual income , living facilities and the welfare and social well-being of any inhabitant of society shouldn´t exceed the average share of each human being in the total annual product of labor and production .
5. The work of people under the age of 18 is a clear example of child abuse and deprivation of human free development and must be canceled without any conditions . The labor movement by raising the banner of struggle to ensure an equal share of every human being in the product of annual social work will eliminates the basis of any need for parents for child labor .
6. Education until the end of high school should be compulsory and free for all individuals , and no penny should be charged for education , no penny should be taken from anyone at any level of education, from kindergarten level to the last university courses . All educational materials , such as pens, papers and textbooks , research texts and all research materials and facilities to the cost of scientific and research tour , everything should be completely free . Maximum number of students in each class must be 25 , at least should have two teachers in each class and each school with enough number of psychologists , with social worker , doctor and nurse . Teaching method , educational content and activities must be a reliable and accountable guarantor of human beings development and as an informed , intervening individual , aware and capable , decision-maker and ready for the comprehensive influence of the council in all current and future affairs of society . Any form of physical and psychological punishment of individuals at any level of education is a clear example of torture , a complete violation against human beings rights and social standards that uphold the dignity , rights and freedoms and free development of individuals .
7. Elimination of all forms of inequality between man and woman in every area of personal and social life . Polygamy should be abolished and marriage under 18 years must be prohibited . Planning the complete elimination of homework and in the process of this annihilation , every hour work of people at home , from pregnancy and childbirth and raising children to cooking and cleaning and caring for patients must be considered as an hour of time of employment and the average share of each human being in the social product should be given to it .
8. Prohibit all forms of prostitution with a definite guarantee of an equal share of every human being in the product of annual social work .
9. Eliminate all ethnic and ideological discrimination . Discrimination between Persians, Kurds and Baluchis, Afghans and Turks and Arabs , Bahaís and Sunnis and non-believers is a serious crime against humanity and its violators should be rehabilitated and retrained .
10. Complete prohibition of the interference of any individual , any institution and any social force in the privacy of human beings , including the type of coating , marriage and divorce , beliefs , political and ideological orientations , the form and manner of entertainment , relationships and sexual desires , male-female relationship and girl and boy …….
11. Unconditional freedom for the entire population to travel anywhere in the world without the need for the consent of any government or social institution
12. Accelerated and effective reduction of fossil fuel use and replacing them with energies without any harm to nature and man and fight against any kind of environmental pollution by struggle against the basis of production for profit and replacing it with production for the transcendent physical and mental development of human beings , closing destructive economic activities and pollution the environment , prohibition of any capitalization of natural resources such as water , forests and land , stop deforestation , prohibition of any use of harmful chemical compounds in the preparation of products including food and clothing and cosmetics , housing and home appliances in different stages of production , distribution and maintenance and transportation
13. Complete workplace safety, cleaning all work and production centers from old machines ,worn out and devastating , chemicals , toxins and gassess , pathogens or hazardous substances , ensurings the physical and mental health of people working in all work centers . Any negligence , procrastination or disruption of this immunization process and any form of cost savings is considered as a crime against the right to life and its perpetrators should be held accountable and be subjected to human rehabilitation .
14. Complete voluntary work planning and in this regard , reducing daily working hours to less than 5 hours , mandatory closure two days a week and 2 months a year , forbidding of any kind of overtime work , complete exemption of all disabled people from work ; calculate each hour of hard work as 2 hours of daily work , reducing the retirement age to a maximum of 55 years ,
15. Addiction is a great human catastrophe over the entire population of capitalist hell and the labor movement must fight with all its might to rid human being of addiction . Limit the production of addictive substances to essential medicinal and medical uses , natural needs and without any harm to the physical and mental health of individuals , and impose this restriction on capital .
16. All addicts should be treated and rehabilitated physically and mentally free of charge . The family members of these addicts should have all the living , social welfare , treatment and other necessities of life during all days of treatment and rehabilitation .
17. Immediate and unconditional release of all persons imprisoned for political, civic and cultural and ideological activities due to theft and abuse caused by hunger and poverty .
18. Any kind of physical , psychological abuse of persons , retribution and punishment , flogging and keeping people in solitary confinement and like these should be considered as obvious torture and crime against human beings and the perpetrators must be retrained and rehabilitated humanely and morally , emotionally and socially .
19. Complete ban on the death penalty
20. Freedom of the press without conditions , social networks , strikes, demonstrations and marches , freedom to form and build councils , parties and unions and any organization , freedom to propagate any creed , profession or religion , complete freedom of struggle to eradicate capitalism and wage labor slavery
21. Allocation of any kind of social facilities or any penny from work and production of human beings by the bourgeois government to seminaries , or any religious institutions and centers , ideological activities , police and security institution from production or trade of weapons must be cut off . Religious education is an example of brainwashing and alienation and promoting superstition and engineering human consciousness must be banned and subjected of an informed , free and humane challenge .
22. Fight for the dissolution of the armies , police and all forces of physical and mental repression , parliament , state and the whole power structure of capital is an integral part of the process of the current and daily class struggle against the existence of capitaliism . We , the anti-capitalist workers consider the single demand for overthrow without anti-wage content to be a misguided dig in fron of the labor movement and we´re trying to replace it with a radical anti-capitalist overthrow .
“ Anti-capitalist workers of Iran ”
Jan. 10 , 2022