The capitalist system doesn´t only exploit the working masses, it doesn´t just deprive them of the right to determination of work, production and life but also homogeneous and compatible with these it permutes and distorts their thoughts, view and method of analysis and solution and dictates them with whatever it takes to protect and maintain the capitalism and secure it from any any possible danger. In this regard, the maze of advancing the coercive and inevitable conflict between the working class and the capitalist class is also designed. Beyond this, it does formulate anti-capitalist strategy ! and workers´war to destroy capitalism !! into a version of rational ! and without violence one !! and it does all these things for democracy, human rights and civilization through independent trade unions, syndicates and workers´ and communist parties and recently by social movement and street riots, ninety-nine percent movement and standing in night, anti-globalic, green and purple one , arab spring with the armies and labor parties. Capitalism has all these copies, patterns and alternatives packaged, stamped and availiable in its archives. The secret of the survival of capitalismm lies in its roaring capacity for these twisted and turned imposed on the working class. At the beginning of the twentieth century, capital was able to produce and reproduce peaceful parliamentary democracy on the one hand and its anti-imperialist, overthrow on the other hand in the context of the expansion of foundations of capital accumulation all around the world and makes these two capitalist movements to the torch of protest and alternative for class struggle of the working masses of the world. It sets its theorists, strategists and organizers on topped as proud human saviors. It rejects the marxian communism against wage labor and brings in anti-imperialist and populist leninism with seductive appearances and worker friendly in the market of trade between capital and labor relation. Capitalism with its materialist production, generate surplus value and accumulation of capital, also recreated and reproduced these strategies, ideas and policies, solutions and pattern of “class struggle” and with their help buried the labor movement in cemetery of the struggle for “national” development and the european type of trade labor relation ! , “alinement of populism and anti-populism” , “democratic revolution”, modification and refinement for state capitalism and also other deceptions. It dragged billions of workers wherever it wanted, as far as they forgot the basis of the class struggle against wage slavery. Capitalism did this with complete victory and continued until the 1980s in last century. Once upon a time that the ship of these strategies historically sank and the world, up to the most remote vilage came under control of ruling of capital . The real domination of capital over labor was secured across the globe, the scenario of the anti-imperialist revolution became irrelevant and the production of the idea and its strategy also became such market without any amount of customers and a new era replaced the old one. An era in which capitalism dominates not only the whole world, rather on the contrary, the pressure of hurricanes of its crisis everywhere and always with its impose of the weight of crisis take the way of successive ambushes into livelihood, shelter and housing, medicine and treatment, education and environment or any basic necessities of lives of billions of workers was met with the dynamic determinism of the value-added capital. In such a situation, what could free the capitalism system from any storm of class struggle of the working masses , was putting together of “anti-neoliberalism” scenario and engineering the thoughts of the workers of the world to fall into a new dark emptiness instead of a radical and liberating class struggle and anti-wage labor movement. In this direction, capital created and nurtured all the necessary ideas, ideologies and strategies and entered the leftist thinkers and high-ranking theorists into the field and made them proud of being “anti-capitalist”. By doing so it started large movements and tens, purhaps hundreds of millions of workers were involved in the miracle of these uprisings.
The bourgeoisie has been doing this since the end of the nineteenth century, by designing this strategy, and horizon of the field of campaign was blocked the way of fight against the wage labor of the working masses. Nothing is more vulgar than sealing the chain of these creation of alternatives with “conspiracy”
and those who go down into this swamp, they know nothing about the materialist understanding of history, the relation of matrial and consciousness, and the internal organic relation between materialist production and production of thoughts. All of these are done spontaneously and systematically, ideologically and routinely by capital, and doesn´t require conspiracy!! . For now, the point is that, capital historically and especially in these 130 years has taken the masses workers everywhere and in every misguided direction, and it´s rolling them in every direction so as not to turn to an anti-capitalist class struggle. Whatever is happening in Chile is also a moment of this misguided direction. Chile, like all societies in the world , is the epicenter of poverty and hunger, homelessness and miseries created by capitalism. These miseries have exploded in recent years and 60% of the country´s working population is burning in the hellish fire of poverty. Expensive basic necessities of life are rampant and the pressure of exploitation is at its peak. Capitals have becomme gigantic and want more galactic profits. Huge companies, total social capital and capitalist class to guarantee optimal profit have rised the scalepan of surplus work in exchange for necessary part which lead to the brutal and unbearable reduction of livelihood and medication level required for reproduction of workforce . 50% of the population has no minimum medical facilities and COVID 19 has launched a death storm in meantime that workers don´t have access to medical supplies. Unemployment is on the rise and this situation has bothered millions of workers and prepared them to revolt. In 2019, the same workers took to the streets with a line of 3 million working people who shouted in protest. It was here, in a wide uproar of millions rebellious workers that cry of anti- neoliberalist righteous rulers ! sound out from a distance with this content that “ the root of the problem lies in the constitution of the Pinochet era“ and “privatization“!!, “the neoliberal strategy of concentrating 30% of capital in the hands of 1% of capitalists“ and “neoliberal management“ . That is that capital is sacred and only the neoliberalization of capitalism is that has blemished the human glory ! and human rights !!, democracy and liberalism ! and peace of this system, as fascism did in 1914 the same and later, imperialism did, and neoliberalism has played this evil role since the 1980s !!! we must call for an end to neoliberal policies, a referendum be held to change the constitution and rise against privatization and if so the Chile getting rid of problems and all miseries be solved !! in a blink of an eye, the anti-neolibral movement created its own national leaders, patriotic veterans and libertarian myths and took the lead in the riots. If a few years ago the workers in Greece hung the medal of honor of anti-neoliberalism on the neck of Alexis Tsipras, in Chile, the mass workers did the same with awarding medals to Gabriel Purich, the young leader of the Broad Front and what he will do ?!”
The answer is clear in all respects, implement of the constitution will be approved by referendum and slow down the privatization process. In the case of health insurance, the situation of working children or women in employment show some change !? If we put all these together with the promises of “Tsipras´´ and “Serriza´´, there will be a wave of shame in Chile. More importantly, “Serriza´´ was widely supported by millions of workers who were determined to occupy the centers of work and production, they would be doing this and would be taking the hospitals from owners of capital and the government and would be making medicine and treatment free and would be giving it to the masses without receiving any penny or if the shops would have been taken out of the ownership of the capitalists and distributing their product among the working masses . “Serriza´´ had such a position in Greece and made many more promises, but the day after he ascended to political power, his only task was to launch more destructive waves of storms to attack aggressively the last remnants of the working masses´ livelihood . It forced the working mmasses to dedicate their children´s daily livelihood and the meager cost of medicine and treatment of elderly, disabled and sick to pay the accumulated interest of the 400 billion´s debt owed by the Greek capitalist class to private and state capitalists in Germany or Europe. This is what was done and the misery of the life of the working masses of Greece was made even darker and poverty and misery, famine and displacement imposed such a tsunami on the lives of the working masses . In Chile, if a ray of “Tsipras´´ promises shines on the workers , in that case , Gabriel Purich will be the first that in a great role of the capitalist army to suffocate and destroy the working masses . So let´s repeat our previous question and that is that Gabriel Purich, the Broad Front and six united parties with the motto of “Vote for human dignity” what are they supposed to do ?! what a mud to pour on the workers and what to bring to the Chilean working class ?!! The answer is simple. The same things that Pinochet did and will be continued by subsequent governments . Why ? the answer to this one is easier than the first question . For the obvious reason that capital wants that , and has no hesitation in fulfilling its wishes , any capitalist state, of any type , such democratic or social democratic , conservative or fascist , liberal or monarchy, republican and parliamentary, secular or religious will do the same that capital needs . The state is the identified capital , it´s the determining power of capital in the political and juridical, civil and cultural, military and security, police and ideological structure . No displacement of governments , no form of replacing the capital planning order with another form isn´t going to disrupt the process of capital value-added or the defender order of the cycle of self-expansion and capital accumulation , a cycle in which its all warp and weft is based on surplus labor and unpaid work of workers of the world . The wheel of this system ,historically, from its inception to the present day , has turned with unpaid work, generationn after generation of workers with the explosive exploitation of the working masses and increasingly and without restraining the workers from any interference in determining the fate of work, production and lives . For every degree of continuation of this cycle and survival requires the planning and organization of the most brutal attacks on the billions of workers´ lives across the whole world. This isn´t a slogan , but it´s the most tangible and earthly and most obvious human word of history . To live and survive , even to slow down the terrifying speed and deterioration of living conditions and remedial, social and environmental , there´s no choice but to turn the current struggle of the day into a live, nationwide and council movement against the existence of capital . What Chilean workers and their class associates need to do anywhere in the world, including in the hell of Iranian capitalism . What the working people of Chile , or anywhere in the world can certainly do and they haven´t done so yet but they have no choice to turn to it . Instead of engaging in constitutions and referendum , pushing for reform they can take the path of promoting their movement to an united organized council and nationwide anti-capitalist power . By removing the intellectual method of the bourgeois thinking from their own class consciousness and will to refer to the anti-capitalist conscious of their social class . Determine to give up the eternal view of being a wage slave and the perpetuation of capitalism . Instead of to be mesmerized a single labor salesman , refer to own social class and consider themselves as one , and contemplate the historical and transformative role of this social power . Take the path of organizing the council of this power and instead of petrifying life and demanding wages , chant the slogan of complete control over the destiny of work , production and life . To bring their council power into the field of class struggle , and exercise it against the capitalist class and the state of capital , and impose the demands of the day on capital and increase the demands and make the class war agai
nst capital and its governments more stormy . By advance in this direction to step towards the rise of an anti-wage internationalist authority and be ready to eradicate capitalism and establish a society without state and wage-labor . this is the only way to survive , to live and to be free .
Mazdak Koohkan
Jan. 10 , 2022