We are workers, ever since we opened our eyes to the world, we´ve witnessed the brutal exploitation of our parents, neighbors and residents of our working-class neighborhood and nationwide workers by capitalists and capital. We´ve felt it with our flesh, skin and blood that all capital and wealth is produced by working-class and the world of poverty and misery is imposed on our class more and more. The more we´ve produced , the deeper we´re separated from our means of production and the product of our work, the more we´ve increased the power of capital, the more weary and degraded we became. We´ve seen and experienced historically with our existence that the state of capital and its armies, the law and legilation, morality and culture, police and religion and institutional subsets of religion and in short words, everything in society belong to the capitalist class, the defender of capitalism and they´re against us and in the service of the permanence of capitalism and in the uninterrupted continuation of brutal and bloody exploitation of us by capital. All our consciousness, mind and thought, intellect and feeling and perception are intertwined with these realities. We, as workers ,by the rule of our social existence ,we´re spontaneous anti-capitalist and anti-wage slavery. No specific philosophy and knowledge, experties and special grace are necessary to teach us opposition to capital and capitalism. The root and foundation of our spontaneous anti-capitalismm is here, in the depths of these facts. We´re not a group, sect and party or commitee, because we see such organizations which are built from above of us, as a means of transforming our class movement into bargaining with the capitalist and aim to gain the state power. These kinds of organizations and sects, even if accompanied by anti-capitalist and leftist controversies, it´s not proletarian´s way. The councils are our movement of organizing based on the nature of our social existence, because in the context of the council struggle we must communicate, argue and share our experiences and knowledge and strive to promote the spontaneous anti-capitalist approach of our social class. We do publish the publication “against capital” , but not to lead the workers´ struggle ! not only that , but we don´t have such a claim, because we consider any reference, imitation and any degree of adherence of the labor movement or the working masses to the will of the leaders as a catastrophe for this movement and a deviation from the real course of the anti-capitalist struggle. We want this publication “against capital” to be a tribune for influencing the anti-capitalist spproach in the our routine continuous struggle. The influence of more and more workers in determining the way and maze of class struggle to eliminnate and repel the constant aggressions and impositions of the capitalists and final liberationn from the existence of capitalism is the purpose of the publication of
“against capital” .Anti-capitalist workers of Iran