“ Part 1 ”
Return of agricultural exports, including fruits and vegetables produced & packaged in Iranian capitalism to some export markets in the last two months has raised speculations and the finger of accusation on the different managers of capital , and the imported goods to the destination countries . The process that began with the return of exported watermelons to UAE and tomatoes to Iraq and then with the return of export of sweet pepper from Russia , Kiwi from India and China and potatoes from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan continued and so far it reaches ten countries . ”
The head of the imported pesticides department explains that “the reason for the return of potatoes is that after the harvest of agricultural goods is that these products must be quarantined for a period and this is while after the quarantine period which still remains in Iranian agricultural products” . He goes on to say that “ according to studies , the toxins used in agricultural products are imported from China and it seems that these toxins don´t have the necessary quality . Referring to the export conditions of agricultural products , he said that because of the application of these prohibitions , Pakistan´s been taking advantage of this opportunity and will start exporting potatoes to our target countries within the next 10 days ” ! The head of the Khorasan´s wholesaler trade union stated that “ from now on , Iranian agricultural products must be licensed by the Plant Protection Office and the Ministry of Health of the destination country after being quarantined . Otherwise , the ban on the import of agricultural products by countries will continue . Another businessman says also that “ some of the pesticides used by farmers in the country haven´t been defined by the destination countries and that ultimately becomes a problem . in addition , some countries from which toxins are purchased don´t have the required standards and there´s fraud in their production´s quality and this problem has been observed many times in the toxins imported from China and the toxins of this country don´t have the necessary quality .” Another manager explains also, due to the referring to the mafia and the great economicrents in the world, “ many economic mafias want to stop the non-oil exports of agricultural products in Iran . Our vulnerability is this sector is high due to rot of these products and if it´s returned , both, the domestic market will be lost and our credibility in the foreign market will be damaged . He also mentioned that economic diplomacy has performed poorly in recent years and in such a situation , strong economic diplomacy must work and solve problems so that we don´t lose at least the neighboring countries and in that case , it will damage the system of the country´s exports and it´ll cost us heavily when our weakness becomes apparent and it´ll cause reduce of the prices of our products in the world market and hinders maneuver in this arena .” On the other hand, in the early 2021s , the general director of the Technical and Agricultural Service Development Office of the country´s cooperatives announced a plan to increase the quotas of basic fertilizers (phosphate and potash) and micronutrients by 100% in 2022 for farmers . He´s stating that “ cooperatives have a plan to supply and distribute a variety of chemical fertilizers , chemical toxins and micronutrients , and continues that cooperatives are fully prepared to increase the supply quota of urea fertilizer to at least 1.5 million tons per year , supply of all the needs of the country´s chemical pesticides through the netwok and technical import by network for formulator of producing pesticides needed by the country .” The social capital of Iran despite mastering the free storage of quasi-free labour force , the rate of golden exploitation of labour force and boiling source of surplus value of industrial agriculture and other realms of capital´s investment in terms of average organic composition , degree of labour productivity and the constituent components of production conditions , the power of competition in world markets and ultimately the share in the surplus values of the exploitation of the world´s working masses , belongs to the more vulnerable and weaker part of international capitalism .
Today , the Islamic regime of capital has become poorer and uglier , more defeated and hopeless than in all its years and in all fields . The cycle of Iranian capitalist production doesn´t revolve around the abyss of crisis and just in such a situation the rivals of the regional countries that parts of their social capital are rivals in the field of agriculture seize Iran´s weaker position and intend to oust producers and exporters of similar products .
Now let´s see what are these substances in the reports under the headings of chemical fertilizers and agricultural pesticides (plant pesticides) and what are the goals of their producers . In the commodity economy and the higher phase of its evolution , that is , capitalist production , the product of human labour is traded on the basis of the socially necessary labour that lies within them . Here, the value of exchanging is everything, but in order for commodities to be tradable they must also have consumable value . In capitalist agriculture , maintaining the same consumable value of the product , whether in the process of production and organizability , or in storage and transportation of goods to the market is exposed to great risks . Plant pests are the most important and effective part of these hazards . The capitalist farmer uses pesticides to avoid the costs of reproducing the product under attack by pests and in doing so , they not only avoid the costs of reproduction that minimize the amount of waste and damages . In a word, resorting to the unrestrained use of pesticides is an integral part of the process of value-added of capital in agriculture and it´s a prerequisite for obtaining the most desired surplus vaalue and profits . The basis of capital is based on production of maximum commodity by the minimum labour force , extreme cost reduction of various components of the fixed capital and quality as much as possible goods and maximum competitiveness is based on the capitalist market . The guarantee of all this depends on the widespread use of plant pesticides in the accumulation of capitalist industrial agriculture . Pesticides (agricultural pesticides called pesticides in capitalist tradition) have generally been chemical warfare experiences since World War II . These substances must attack insects , rodents and weeds, fungi and bacteria and worms, parasites and even spiders and birds by toxins produced by agricultural and chemical companies to ensure the sustainability of agricultural and livestock products and increase terrifically labour productivity per hectare and extend the life of the crop after harvest , in one word , and make astonishing capital gains in industrial agriculture and warehousing as much as possible . An important part of agricultural pesticides are used in agriculture to protect and increase crop life . The second category consists of materials used to protect textiles, wood and clothing, shoes and tents and water sediments in refineries , boats and large ships . The chemical properties of these substances should be such that firstly that are not destructible and resistant to antidotes and microorganism , and secondly , they dissolve in fat and not water . In such way that it´s not washed with water but it enters the fat layer of the skin of plant , fruits and vegetables and stays firm . In the experiments , in general , the effects of using 328 biocides in vegetables and summer crops , 301 for nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds etc.) , 88 in relation to different types of cereals (wheat and varley , corn and rice) in some studies have been seen. These toxins are used to fight various organisms and as a result , they´re just as destructive and deadly to these creatures that for humans and the worker who sprays in the fields and what a human being who consumes these products . An example of these toxins is DDT which´s been used as an insecticide since the mid-1950s and was banned in the 1970s ( in some countries , such as Sweden , it was even used until the 1980s ) . But that was enough for about 15 years for its devastating effects on aquatic animals , humans and nature to remain . DDT has destructive effects on the nervous system , bone loss and sexual system disorders , and remains highly resistant to soil , water and animal bodies . DDT in this way and by the chain of foods is transmitted to other beings and eventually to humans . This deadly gift of capitalism to nature and human is just an example of the benefits that exist today without any consideration for the production of similar materials . In industrial agriculture , not just one pesticide is used for each crop , instead , a certain poison is used to repel any living thing , therefore , the interaction of pesticides and biocides used simultaneously in a product (cocktail effect) exponentially increase the destructive effects of each other and sometimes the poisoning from their combination is hundreds of timmes greater than the destructive effect of all these substances alone . In addition , the use of pesticides and biocides gradually increases the resistance of bacteria , fungi and weeds , even mice to highest level . For this reason , the use of newer materials with more destructive effects is more than the necessities of capitalist agriculture . hormonal toxins not only cause organ disorders in food consument or deadly diseases in agricultural workers that their multiplication in nature , especially with their relatively long life , causes many disorders to all living things and these change from year to year in terms of number and molecular shape . Plant and animal toxins aren´t the same in all countries , and each country has its own registred list and part of this list may not be the same as other countries and part may not be the same .Grapes are reported to be one of the worst products in terms of carcinogens , sterilizers and hormones in pesticides used . Agricultural capitalists in the United States and France , Italy and Spain are the largest consumers of biocides and important factors involved here are the countries´grape and wine companies . Some wines even carry up to 10 different biocides and on average 4 different biocides in a wine bottle isn´t surprising . The phenomenon of increasing the resistance of living organisms to these toxins is of great importance during the application of pest control and the use of pesticides and biocides gradually increases the resistance of bacteria , fungi and weeds , even mice to the farthest limits . The result of this process is a reduction in the effect of the substance over the period of use and the compulsion to increase its amount or to use newer substances with more destructive effects . Approximately 2 million tons of pesticides are used annually worldwide that China is the largest producer , followed by the United States and Argentina which are growing rapidly . In 2021 , about 2.8 million tons of chemical pesticides (agricultural pesticides) has been prochina´s production of chemical pesticides in 2020 reached an annual production volume of about 2.15 million tons . However , by 2022 , global pesticide consumption is estimated to increase to 3.5 million tons . As can be seen , the production of pesticides in China in some years is more than the ability to consume in world´s capitalism and this reduces the price of some of them and Chinese capitalism , which in the last decade has been in the forefront of fierce competition for more global market share in this realm of capital investment . With competitors such as American Mon Santo and European Bayer and others has been forced to control their production in order to maintain its price and profit share , therefore in some years , it reduces the production level and sometimes increases it .
Ibrahim Payendeh
Jan. 18 , 2022