Works and writings of Marx aren’t economic books, not even sociological texts or philosophical treatise but a radical and workers´ dissection of capitalism. When Marx criticize the relation of sale&purchase of labour, separation of man from work and the product of his&her labour , he explores the process of worker´s complete fall from any right to interfere in determining the fate of work and production in life. It demonstrates the inhuman use of science and technology by the bourgeoisie in order to further expand the value-added of capital by surplus value and in meantime destroy the living environment and human health. Explicitly it does show obvious that in the hell of wage slavery, state and politics, civilization and legislation, thought and morality are all social manifestations of capital. Democracy, freedom and civilization, right and free choice are baseless, false and empty. Marx’s critical writings were such an ablaze torch of a movement that sought to establish a conscious and universal class power against class-exploitation, against the legislation and politics and ideology for imposing and durability of capitalist mode of production. Marx’s works were at the heart of the workers´ daily and widespread struggles as the manifesto of the working masses in trenches of the war class against capital.
With the departure of the world’s labor movement from the rails of the anti-wage labour war and the fall of this movement to the infantry of parliamentarism , union reformism and the Leninist leftist reformism and anti-imperialist populism that by rising the banner of replacing one form of capitalism with another, vanished Marx’s teachings in the struggles of the workers all around the world. On the one hand, Marx’s works are now the holy books of the followers of religion of ” scientific socialism ” that their interpretation and acquisition of authority in competence of the party elites and academic leftists that also serves to justify capitalism, parliamentarism and syndicalism and parties above the working class. On the other hand, the world of capitalism is full of ” Marxism ” teaching institutions and academic disciplines that entrusts the matter of human liberation to the philosophical and scientific intellectual exudates of these centers !!
The liberation of human being isn’t the work of philosophers and theorists but by the rebellious workers against the exploitation of capital and capitalism. Communism isn’t a system and collection of thoughts, beliefs and philosophies but an anti-wage movement of the working masses. Leftist tendencies describes Marx as a thinker of the upper class, and some also believe that Marx seems to have discovered the working class and its historical role from the heart of theoretical and philosophical discussions !! Others have attributed his turning to the working-class in France and his association with workers as a reason for paying attention to the role of the working-class historian !!
The truth of the matter was none of them. Marx was a human being from a very large human population that all the sufferings of the class society weighed heavily on their lives and thoughts. Why shouldn’t Marx be considered as a working human being? What did the working masses had that Marx did not ? Wasn’t he trampling everywhere to sell his labour but the capitalists and their state did ban the purchase of his labour ? Doesn’t the pressure of hunger squeeze him and his family ? Were the number of his children who died of starvation less than the number of children of any other worker´ s family who fell victim to hunger ? Was he in a better position than his other companions in pledging his furniture for a morsel of bread ? In enduring dictatorship and savagery, displacement and exile, the story of his life is clear to everyone.
The leftists who is either one of the upper class thinker or not, if even isn’t, they see themselves as the praisers for these nobles, the leftist that is alien to the anti-capitalist struggle of this class, the leftist that wants to make the labor movement as a platform to rise to political power of course they declare to the workers that Marx isn’t one of them !! For the leftist tendencies, workers don’t have capacity to think, to become conscious and anti-wage slavery to fight against capitalist system, their maximum capacities are summarized in syndication and begging more wages from capitalists. Workers to gain any amount of knowledge and find a
path to class struggle must hang on to the best nobles of the parties and their versions !! The reason for the leftist´ s insistence on these opinions stems from here. It’s necessary to explain one important point here and that is that Marx is absolutely and by no means one of these leftist tendencies. Marx , a human being from the depths of our lives, of our kind, he’s been the most knowledgeable human being in the history of life and struggle of our class. He’s not our savior, leader or pope, but he’s our companion in all class battlefields. A human being who, until now, our need for him hasn’t diminished .
” The anti-capitalist workers of Iran ”
Sept. 22, 2021